MASTER FINE ARTS SYMPOSIUM, 27–28.03.2023, IKEA Auditorium, ECAL

IKEA Auditorium, ECAL

On March 27 and 28, ECAL Master Fine Arts presents a 2-days symposium: The Raving Age. Histories and figures of youth.

The symposium is organized as part of the research project The Raving Age. Histories and Figures of Youth, that questions what has come of youth – a conceptual, aesthetic, and political figure that was born with modernity – in the visual arts, popular culture, and the humanities.  

Conversely, the project addresses what the problematic category of “youth” has brought about in contemporary art and thought and seeks to grasp it as an allegory that will help rethink the “contemporary” through its most lively milieu. 

These two study days will explore the manifold dimensions of the concept of “youth” as strategic sites to engage with the politics of time and the aesthetic categories of our age.

Day 1 will take place in French, Day 2 in English. The Q&A sessions of both days will take place in French and English. 

DAY 1 - Monday 27 March 

9.30am: Welcome coffee 

10am: Introduction 

10.30am: L'innocence de l'oeil et le bonhomme-têtard. Esthétisation et épistémisation des dessins d'enfant au XIXe et au XXe siècle, Tristan Garcia 

12am: Lunch break 

13.30am: Extra Life, screenings and conversation with Gisèle Vienne 

3pm: Break 

3.30pm: Anabases, screenings and conversation with Éric Baudelaire 

5pm: Conclusion and apéro 

8pm: Screening of Jerk (2021) and conversation with Gisèle Vienne at Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne. For interested students, discounted tickets will be available at the theater. 

DAY 2 - Tuesday 28 March 

09.30am: Younger than you: talking with post-future adolescents, Federico Campagna 

11am: Break 

11.30am: “Youth Music”, ageism and the politics of time, Guillaume Heuguet 

1pm: Lunch break 

2pm: Pop Hardcore: why did pop become so extreme?, Julie Ackermann followed by Immaterial forever: representations of queer adolescence through the hyperpop Community, Lorenzo Benzoni & Luca Frati 

4pm: Conclusion 

The Raving Age. Histories and Figures of Youth is a research project supported by ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne and HES-SO/University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland. 

Concept and organization
Philippe Azoury, Stéphanie Moisdon, Vincent Normand, Shirin Yousefi 

More information about the programme and the speakers:

If you have any question, please contact 

Free entry

Dates and schedules


IKEA Auditorium, ECAL