ECAL's Bachelor of Photography presents The Bride and the Ketchup in Renens.
Renens, the capital of the Ouest Lausannois region, is characterized by its diverse cultural mix and influences, welcoming some 121 nationalities. A city of passers-by, a creative city, an entertaining city, an endearing city, you'll stroll through and discover welcoming cafés, picturesque boutiques with windows adorned with curious curios and treasures, restaurants with specialties from elsewhere, and much more.
Within a well-defined perimeter, between the train station and the ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne, the 19 1st-year Bachelor of Photography students went out to meet the small shops that make up Renens. Beyond their shop windows, these local heroes are the town's key players. Baklava with glistening honey, preparing food in the back kitchen, a wry smile - in a documentary or sometimes staged approach, the students captured the authenticity, commitment and everyday reality of these shopkeepers. Through portraits, still lifes and architectural images, the Bride and Ketchup project takes us on an eclectic visual journey, with its varied flavors and multiple cultural landscapes.
April 11 2024, 6PM
Square du 14-juin
1020 Renens
, Colas Ravey , Aline Savioz , Ashley Schneiter , Louise Tapponnier , Melanie Rengifo , Shiny Vallenas , Léna Voélin , Lucca Vogel , Auriane Nicollier , , Colas Ravey , Aline Savioz , Ashley Schneiter , Louise Tapponnier , Melanie Rengifo , Shiny Vallenas , Léna Voélin , Lucca Vogel
Sara De Brito Faustino , Gaétan Uldry