ECAL at Festival Images Vevey, 07–29.09.2024, Vevey

ECAL at Festival Images Vevey

From September 7 to 29, graduates of ECAL's Bachelor and Master of Photography programs present their work at the Festival Images Vevey.

From September 7 to 29, 2024, photography in all its forms takes over the streets of Vevey, invades the parks and strolls along the shores of the lake. For three weeks, the Festival Images Vevey transforms the small town on the Riviera and welcomes a wide audience. This year, four ECAL graduates are part of the program.

Positive Illusions 
Diploma project by Benjamin Freedman , Master Photography graduate

With this project , Benjamin Freedman is reconstructing his childhood memories using CGI (Computer Generated Imagery). The artist diverts this technology, mostly used in films and video games, which requires close involvement in the creation of every object, detail and lighting. Freedman meticulously reconstructs a family roadtrip between Montreal and Maine in the United States in 1999, reproducing his point of view at the age of nine. Created for the Boéland site near the Swiss Museum of Games, the installation explores how memory shapes, transforms and simulates reality. Positive Illusions plunges nostalgically into the joyous world of childhood, fragmented by memory and reassembled by technology.

Cash Me Online
Diploma project by Amandine Kuhlmann , Master Photography graduate

Cash Me Online is a satirical project combining photography, performance and social media footage. Amandine Kuhlmann creates a hyper-feminine alter ego that she embodies online and during performances to achieve viral fame. She exaggerates her poses, imitates TikTok and Instagram trends and dramatizes her everyday life to make herself noticed. The artist reappropriates videos, drawing on the suggestions of her algorithm and the female stereotypes portrayed by social networks. These caricatured images reveal the ambiguities of virtual profiles, between the objectification of the body and the desire for individuality. Questioning the impact of social media and the monetisation of the self, the installation presents a reflection to a generation obsessed with their physical and digital appearance.

One Last Journey
Alexey Chernikov , Master Photography graduate

One Last Journey addresses artificial intelligence and the instant photographic process through the telling of a fictional love story. Attempting to imitate the aesthetics of the Polaroid camera, Alexey Chernikov writes short descriptions of a couple’s last journey before separation on the Midjourney image-generating software. These images are then reproduced on a traditional Polaroid camera using a new printing device developed by the same company. Interested in the emotional potential of AI, the artist questions the reliability of the photographic medium. From one image to the next, the pair appears different each time, confusing the sense of reality. Using the Polaroid as definitive proof of authenticity, the project invites us to reconsider the photographic snapshot in light of AI.

Get the Look!
Romain Mader , Bachelor Photography graduate

What would happen if we let algorithms dress us? This is the question Romain Mader asked himself when he founded Get the Look! He set himself a challenge: to follow the recommendations of his smartphone’s algorithm and order clothes from online stores as suggested, without making any personal choices. Since the algorithm is influenced by his and his partner’s browsing activity, the result would be expected to match their style and personality. In his studio, the artist adopts a number of incongruous postures. By examining the sales techniques and marketing tools used by fast-fashion websites to encourage consumption, the series ironically denounces industryinduced addiction. Through the example of fashion, Mader universally reveals the influence of algorithms on our lives.

Benjamin Freedman, Image ECAL/Margaux Corda
Benjamin Freedman, Image ECAL/Margaux Corda
Benjamin Fréédmyn,Image ECAL/Margaux Corda
Amandine Kuhlmann, Image ECAL/Margaux Corda
Amandine Kuhlmann, Image ECAL/Margaux Corda


Romain Mader, Image ECAL/Margaux Corda
Romain Mader, Image ECAL/Margaux Corda
Alexey Chernikov, Image ECAL/Margaux Corda
Alexey Chernikov, Image ECAL/Margaux Corda



From September 7 to 29, 2024

