A series of accessories that will make up the electric Mehari of tomorrow.
The 2CV Mehari Club Cassis has developed an electric version of the iconic Citroën car released in 1968: the EDEN. From the outset, this car was intended for summer sports and leisure activities. Today, our renewed interest in outdoor activities combined with electric technology makes this vehicle all the more attractive. With this in mind, the 2nd year Bachelor of Industrial Design students, under the direction of designer Elric Petit, are proposing a series of accessories that will make up the electric Mehari of tomorrow. This project was realized in partnership with the 2CV Mehari Club Cassis, at the initiative of Massilia.design and Nathalie Dewez, with the precious support of Bananatex® and the Hyères Design Parade Festival.
Collaboration (2021) with Elric Petit