Content produced during two one week workshops led by Gaël Hugo in 2018 and 2019, around experimenting with image rasterisation and particle systems.
Workshop (2019) by Antoine Barras, Maya Bellier, Ivan Chestopaloff, Bastien Claessens, Antony Demierre, Basil Dénéréaz, Nora Fatehi, Paul Fritz, Sébastien Galera Larios, Guillaume Giraud, Léonard Guyot, Dorian Jovanovic, Evan Kelly, Valentine Leimgruber, Kylan Luginbühl, Paul Lëon, Valerio Meschi, Aurélien Pellegrini, Michael Pica, Ignacio Pérez, Yael Sidler, Malik Sobgoui, Diane Thouvenin