




with Adrien Rovero

For the member municipalities of GEDERIVIERA, the waste management perimeter of the Vaudois Riviera, students in the BA Industrial Design are envisioning a new public trash can.

Hands On


Hands On

with Adrien Rovero

The 1st year BA Industrial Design was invited by the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich to design wooden toys that were exhibited as part of the retrospective exhibition 'Willy Guhl: thinking with your hands'.

Camp Tilsammans


Camp Tilsammans

with Adrien Rovero

Third-year BA students have been invited by architects Spacon & X, in collaboration with IKEA, to design a shelter for an event in Helsingborg, Sweden. The shelter is part of the Tillsammans ("All Together") camp. The goal was to design a micro-architecture that addresses current concerns, fosters social interaction, and provides a unique living experience.

Real Facts


Real Facts

with Adrien Rovero

A collection of neophyte views on current agriculture through the prism of design. Invited by the Musée des Arts Décoratifs et du Design de Bordeaux (madd-bordeaux), second-year Bachelor of Industrial Design students at ECAL, under the guidance of designers Erwan Bouroullec and Adrien Rovero, have given form to their observations and questions about the current agricultural landscape. "Real Facts" is a collection of neophyte points of view on current agriculture, through the prism of design. This project was created at the initiative of Constance Rubini, director of the madd-bordeaux, on the occasion of the exhibition "Paysans designers, un art du vivant" at the Musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design de Bordeaux (madd-bordeaux) presented from 14 July 2021 to 17 January 2022. With the precious support of the Association vaudoise de promotion des métiers de la terre Prométerre, and in the framework of the Summer University programme of the Direction générale de l'enseignement supérieur (DGES) - Canton de Vaud.

Workshops Propédeutique


Workshops Propédeutique

Exposition de travaux d'étudiant·e·s à l'elac (l’espace lausannois d’art contemporain) à l'occasion d'une semaine de workshops en Année Propédeutique.




For this project the students were asked to design a collective installation that was part of the Geneva Sculpture Garden exhibition that took place in the Parc des Eaux-Vives and the Grange from June 12 to September 10, 2020. In the Parc des Eaux-Vives, there are some classic "garden" features, including a picturesque chalet recovered from the 1896 national exhibition. The students had to create a collective bisse (historical irrigation channels of the Valais) upstream from the chalet. What interactions with the public can this generate? How to take advantage of the flow generated by water and gravity?

Galerie des Bustes


Galerie des Bustes

with Adrien Rovero

The Festival Images is a free event focused on contemporary images. The specificity of the Festival Images is to present monumental photography in the open air, while presenting projects around the image in a broader sense indoors. For the 2018 edition, ECAL was for the fourth time associated with the festival by pursuing the search for specific devices for outdoor image exhibitions. It is a question of imagining a photo booth. A space to take pictures of yourself alone or with others. The initiation, the fund, the global process will have to take the form of a real experience and interactivity. It is necessary to invent a device that is close to the installation, that is playful and that does not only provide a technical solution to the shooting. For the festival, this installation represents a real expectation of the audience as well as an income since each image costs 5.- Chf.

Les Teintureries


Les Teintureries

with Adrien Rovero

3rd year Bachelor Industrial Design students immersed themselves in the adaptation of the text by Denis Kelly: L’abattage rituel de Gorge Mastromas, staged by Gabriel Dufay, in order to design a scenography in accordance with the play of actors and thanks to simple and perceptible means by the public. This play will be performed at the Théâtre de Vidy by the students of the Lausanne Theater School – Les Teintureries, as part of their diplomas.

ECAL Oasis


ECAL Oasis

with Adrien Rovero

On the occasion of the Designers’ Saturday in Langenthal, the third-year Bachelor Industrial Design students have created, under the lead of Adrien Rovero, an experimental and immersive space with floorings made in collaboration with Swiss carpet manufacturer Ruckstuhl.

Festival Images


Festival Images

with Adrien Rovero

Pour la troisième fois consécutive, l’ECAL s’associe au Festival Images de Vevey, manifestation gratuite centrée autour de l’image contemporaine. La spécificité du Festival Images est de présenter de la photographie monumentale en plein air, tout en présentant des projets autours de l’image dans un sens plus large en intérieur. Pour l’édition 2016, et suite au succès de l’installation RAFT de 2014,  les étudiants de 3e année Bachelor Design Industriel ont créé des dispositifs «aquatiques» investissant les berges de Vevey le temps du Festival Images.

Sheep Mowers of Metis


Sheep Mowers of Metis

with Adrien Rovero

Reford Gardens and ECAL collaborated on bringing to Québec 25 students from Bachelor Industrial Design, with the support of the "Summer University" program of the Canton of Vaud. This project was conceived and built by 2nd year students in the Bachelor Industrial Design from ECAL/Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne, Switzerland, overseen by the Swiss designer Adrien Rovero, on the occasion of a one week workshop at Reford Gardens. Photos ECAL/Nicolas Haeni

Festival Images


Festival Images

with Adrien Rovero

On the occasion of the 2012 Images Festival, ECAL had proposed to the students from the 3rd year Bachelor Industrial Design to compose a reception zone for the EX-EPA building. Staging systems are known for its quality of usage and innovation. The students therefore decided to use staging systems to make a link to future renovations of the building that would start by the end the Images Festival so the preparations would already be done. For the project «Neil», the students worked on a scenography for the Grand Café Les Mouettes, which was a side event of the Images Festival, organised by the collective RATS, located in Vevey. It involves a series of furniture, composed of two materials: plane pine wood boards and ALUCOBOND panels. The precise manufacturing of the wooden pieces eases the joints of the white surfaces and forms the character of the furniture.

Torch Light


Torch Light

with Adrien Rovero

Semester project with Adrien Rovero.