von Allmen


Photographic Editions


Photographic Editions

with RVB Books/Matthieu Charon & Rémi Faucheux

Using pre-produced images, the students created one or more book models. How do you transform a series of photographs into a book? The Photographic Editions course introduces students to the selection of images, their order, format, graphics, ink, paper and binding. It addresses the specificities of the book as a medium and as a market.

Fine Art Photography


Fine Art Photography

with Natacha Lesueur

Last minute risk As the students enter their final year of training at the ECAL, and their interests and methods take shape, it's time to take advantage of this last project to question our own rules, achievements and influences, not to be satisfied with them, and to take risks.

Anna von Allmen – Nos vies sur vos murs


Anna von Allmen – Nos vies sur vos murs

by Anna von Allmen

Nos vies sur vos murs (Our lives on your walls) grew out of a collaboration with fourteen young people from the Pierre-à-Bot neighbourhood in the heights of Neuchâtel. Over a six-month period, I organised workshops with young people aged between seven and twelve, which formed the basis of this experiment. During our meetings, I initiated discussions around the theme of love, a feeling that is often so complex to grasp. I shared moments of their lives with them, collected their texts and asked them to use disposable cameras to draw pictures of love. In this book, our visions come together to create a portrait of the neighbourhood and the imaginary worlds that develop there.




with Nicolas Poillot

The "Commission & Photography" course aims to conceptualize and produce visual content for an editorial series, emphasizing applied photography and collaboration with an Art Director. It allows students to explore various photographic territories such as editorial, documentary, fashion, still life, and fiction. Objectives include understanding editorial commissions, conceptualizing and presenting ideas, as well as effectively collaborating with an Art Director. Students are required to produce a series of images while adhering to the given theme and constraints, while also developing preliminary research, a structured methodology, series architecture, and finding solutions to creative problems encountered. The theme involves each student selecting and photographing three personal objects that are particularly meaningful to them.

Photographic revelation


Photographic revelation

with Laurence Bonvin

Endurance In this course, the objectives are to allow students to experiment with new approaches or techniques regarding past, ongoing, or diploma projects. They also have the opportunity to revisit and refine subjects that have not met their satisfaction in terms of concept, form, technique, or execution. This experience aims to expand ideas, refine techniques, continue unfinished work while improving it, or build a more comprehensive body of images. Endurance lies at the heart of this process, whether it's persevering in completing a project, revisiting an idea until it's exhausted, or overcoming obstacles such as lack of time, self-confidence, or courage. This semester thus offers students the opportunity to confront their limits, surpass them, and achieve their best in their endeavors.

Photographic Hanging


Photographic Hanging

with Laurence Bonvin

For two semesters, second-year students developped projects related to the thematic Reclaiming Water. They were invited to question and procuce images in relation to the countless political, social, economic, human and environmental issues linked to water. Who owns it? Is it a common good or a marketable resource? How can we visually address these issues?




with Maxime Guyon

"Sculpture" is an intentionally broad theme to give this semester project in order to stimulate experimentation and freedom of realization. Sculpture is an artistic medium that allows for the realization of volume forms forms in volume thanks to innumerable techniques that have been used since the Paleolithic era to our contemporary society. This is an ambitious project where each student will have to complete a series of images highlighting their creations through advanced techniques of composition and light in the studio. Creating a sculpture is for some artists, for others it is a spontaneous way to elaborate a body of spontaneous way to develop a body of work.

Option Photographie


Option Photographie

FIAT LUX « …Si le statut de l’image photographique est galvaudé, le principe reste inchangé depuis près de deux siècles. Il s’agit ni plus ni moins d’une empreinte lumineuse, enregisrée par un appareil plus ou moins élaboré (depuis l’avénement des appareils numériques le rendu photographique est désormais interprété/calculé par des processeurs toujours plus puissants et n’est donc plus une empreinte lunieuse au sens stricte mais le résulat d’un calcul) et opéré par un·x·e photographe. Du grec ancien phôtós (« lumière ») et gráphô (« écrire »), littéralement : « écrire avec la lumière ».




Option Photographie


Option Photographie

Magazine Shock Création d'une série d’images en lien avec le thème «Shock». Les étudiant·e·s expérimentent les différents domaines de la  photographie tels que la nature morte, l’architecture ou le portrait pour produire un corpus d’images cohérent, personnel et originale.