

Mayara Yamada – That Night Marara Kelly Played in My Town


Mayara Yamada – That Night Marara Kelly Played in My Town

by Mayara Yamada

That Night Marara Kelly Played in My Town is a visual appearance peripheral to the Marara Kelly Art Show, a series of performance in which Mayara Yamada creates a form of self-mythology where she seeks out, throughout an evening divided into five chapters, Marara Kelly, her personal party entity, the guardian of her childhood dreams. The project showcases a series of photographs that begin in the Brazilian Amazon and end in Lake Geneva. As well as a typical banner of the Brazilian Amazon, that here announces an otherworldly party, the world in which Marara transits is magical and disrupts the established reality. There one could imagine a party where the entrance is made during the dive in the river and the after-party begins with the emersion in Lake Geneva.


Exhibition of the Encouragement Award winners – City of Renens 2021,02.12.2021,La Ferme des Tilleuls, Renens


Exhibition of the Encouragement Award winners – City of Renens 2021,
La Ferme des Tilleuls, Renens

Pour la 9e année consécutive, la Ville de Renens a attribué le Prix d’encouragement à des étudiant·e·s de l’ECAL. Mayara Yamada, étudiante en Master Arts Visuels, et Jamy Herrmann, étudiant en Bachelor Media & Interaction Design, se sont ainsi distingué·e·s par la qualité de leur travail.