with Nicholaï Wiig-Hansen
with Nicholaï Wiig-Hansen
with Nicholaï Wiig-Hansen, Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard
The 2nd Industrial design students were asked to create a mobile (kinetic sculpture) as part of a collaborative project with the Japanese brand Tempo. Tempo is owned by Mother tool, a product manufacturer that works with local craftsmen and different know-how, from Ashikaga and Tokyo area, to create products by pairing up and making the best use of different materials and production techniques. With the support of the "Summer University" program of the Canton of Vaud, the students went to Japan , to present their ideas and prototypes to Tempo’s design and production team, do factory visits and totally immerse yourselves into the Japanese culture.
with Nicholaï Wiig-Hansen
Students have been asked to developped Basic, fundamental pieces of furniture or accessories for urban life at home. Affordability being one of the key focus of IKEA, their solutions have been to be long lasting, flexible and functional products at low prices. Results have been showcased at the Democratic design day IKEA in Älmhult, Sweden in June 2016. Exhibitions views by ECAL/Sébastien Cluzel
with Nicholaï Wiig-Hansen
Mathieu Lang, Bachelor Industrial Design student at ECAL, won the 3rd ex-aequo prize (15,000 euros) on the occasion of the the prestigious Prix Emile Hermès with the theme "PLAY". His project called «Luc» is a new typology of giant exquisite corpses. Project realised as part of Prix Emile Hermès with the support of Fondation d’entreprise Hermès.