



with Julien Gurtner, Vincent Jacquier, Matthieu Minguet, Anthony Guex

As part of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the canton of Vaud has commissioned ECAL to create an original work of art, on view from July 24 to September 8 in the Maison suisse set up for the occasion in the courtyard of the Swiss Embassy in Paris. Comprising some twenty synchronized screens offering a panoramic view of the canton and its major assets, Vaud-o-rama aims to promote the region and forge links with the public, helping them to discover its richness and diversity. Inspired by the diorama museal device, this installation offers a dynamic and immersive showcase for the canton of Vaud, highlighting four key areas: Innovation, Education, Culture and Sport. It presents a varied portrait of the canton and offers a current view of its activities. In this way, the canton of Vaud reveals itself as a center of excellence for research and innovation, a cutting-edge learning ground, a mecca for cultural creation and a sports ecosystem that is unique in the world.

Service Design - 2024




Service Design - 2024

with Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Pauline Saglio, Calypso Mahieu

During the Service Design course, the 3rd year of the Graphic Design, Photography and Media & Interaction Design bachelors had to create multi-media projects. A collaboration of the Visual Communication department which had as subject the SDGs (*Sustainable Development Goals). The theme was called "For a good cause, make the SDGs a reality" and its objective was to allow students to develop a cause that is close to their hearts. Each project consists of at least two different media, one primary and one secondary. These projects could take any form that the students deemed relevant, be it a website, editions, posters, a video sequence or virtual reality.






with Charlotte Krieger, Jean-Vincent Simonet, Florian Pittet (Sigmasix), Vincent Jacquier, Julien Gurtner, Matthieu Minguet, Cédric Duchêne, EPFL+ECAL Lab, Giacomo Bastianelli

For a week, the first-year visual communications students worked on an installation consisting of 15 screens, accompanied by a 360° sound system developed by EPFL+ECAL Lab. This chandelier, five metres in diameter and suspended from a height of three metres, served as a support for their experiments. Using music specially composed and spatialised for the occasion, the students explored the dynamics of sound both visually and in movement.






with Sami Benhadj, Vincent Jacquier

An immersive and magnetic visual environment, created by ECAL students, illuminates the facades of the mudac and Photo Elysée building. As part of an interdisciplinary project within the Visual Communication department of ECAL, students in the Photography, Graphic Design and Media & Interaction Design Bachelors programs developed immersive video projects designed to adorn the facades of Photo Elysée.





with La Poste, Vincent Jacquier, Angelo Benedetto

For the Swiss Post Office, students from ECAL's Bachelor Graphic Design and Bachelor Media & Interaction Design are creating a postage stamp based on artificial intelligence. Thanks to augmented reality, Metascape transports Swiss Post users into an imaginary and poetic universe on the way to a destination that remains elusive.






with Vincent Jacquier, Angelo Benedetto, Ali-Eddine Abdelkhalek, Jean-Vincent Simonet, Clément Rouzaud

In collaboration with the HYPEROUEST music festival, ECAL students were given the opportunity to design a visual installation in the room adjacent to the festival's ephemeral club, located on the Veillon wasteland in Crissier. For this project, 1st-year students worked in groups, mixing Bachelors in Graphic Design, Media & Interaction Design and Photography. Their main objective was to create powerful and creative visual sequences around the central theme of "HYPER". At the same time, second-year students in the Graphic Design option enriched this project by developing the exhibition's visual identity. These interdisciplinary collaborations stimulated exchanges and encouraged visual cohesion, connecting the different ideas and reinforcing the "laboratory" and experimental aspect of the project.

Service Design - 2023




Service Design - 2023

with Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Pauline Saglio

During the service design course, the 3rd year of the Graphic Design, Photography and Media & Interaction Design bachelor's degree programs realized multi-media projects. A collaboration of the Visual Communication department with the theme of SDGs (*Sustainable Development Goals). The theme named "For a good cause, make the SDGS a reality" aims to develop a cause close to the heart of the different student groups. Each project is composed of at least two different supports, one primary and one secondary. The projects could therefore take any form the students deemed relevant, be it a website, editions and posters, a video sequence, or even virtual reality.

Service Design - 2022



Service Design - 2022

with Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Pauline Saglio

During the Service Design course, the 3rd year of the Graphic Design, Photography and Media & Interaction Design bachelors had to create multi-media projects. A collaboration of the Visual Communication department which had as subject the SDGs (*Sustainable Development Goals). The theme was called "For a good cause, make the SDGs a reality" and its objective was to allow students to develop a cause that is close to their hearts. Each project consists of at least two different media, one primary and one secondary. These projects could take any form that the students deemed relevant, be it a website, editions, posters, a video sequence or virtual reality.

Fantastic Smartphones


Fantastic Smartphones

with Pauline Saglio, Vincent Jacquier

Fantastic Smartphones – a series of interactive installations developed by students in Bachelor Media & Interaction Design at ECAL, investigating in a critical and offbeat way our relationship with smartphones and the way they influence our daily behavior. See the press room

Lausanne Lumières - 2020

Lausanne Lumières - 2020

with Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Clément Lambelet, Florian Pittet

The project involved around fifty students divided into groups of two. The students, who graduated from ECAL's Visual Communication Department's Bachelors in Graphic Design, Media & Interaction Design and Photography, were supervised by Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Clément Lambelet and Florian Pittet, assisted by Kylan Luginbühl, Amaury Hamon and Julien Gurtner. Out of the 25 sequences produced, 11 were selected to be projected on the tower.

Body City

Body City

with Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Mitch Paone (Dia Studio), Jean-Vincent Simonet

Mapping of the Body City show Unique creation imagined for Lausanne en Jeux ! - the animation program of the Youth Olympic Games Lausanne 2020 - Body City is a show where arts and urban sports meet in an impressive open-air setting, on the central square of Lausanne. "Bodies in fusion with the city", it is from this strong image that Nicolas Musin conceived and realized Body City, a contemporary show questioning the relationship of the young generations to the city. On an open-air stage representing a city in constant mutation, more than 50 performers aged between 9 and 30 will cross their disciplines, bringing together arts and urban sports such as skateboarding, BMX, rollerblading, scooter, parkour and dance. A poetic and spectacular journey in the heart of Lausanne, where video, sound and light are mixed together! Imagined within the framework of Lausanne en Jeux, this show is above all a work of youth supported by art schools and training centers for urban disciplines established in the agglomeration of Lausanne. Thus, Body City has brought together different actors from Lausanne such as students from ECAL (video design), HEMU (composition of the original music and recording of the soundtrack), dancers from the Ecole-Atelier Rudra Béjart (dance and percussion), JDSEvents (hip hop, breakdance) as well as the riders from La Fièvre and the plotters from X-Trem Move. The mapping of the show was created by the students of the Visual Communication Department (BA Graphic Design, BA Photography, BA Media & Interaction Design) under the direction of Vincent Jacquier, Angelo Benedetto, Jean-Vincent Simonet and Mitch Paone while the editing was done by Amaury Hamon and Clément Lambelet.




with Pauline Saglio, Vincent Jacquier, Laura Nieder

Information Mesh is a web platform celebrating the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web that explores social, technical, cultural and legal facts throughout different interactive timelines. It was initiated in October 2018 during a one week workshop in partnership with swissnex San Francisco, where students visited key partners and began developing the project. The timelines present an overview of Web history, starting with the proposal for hypertext by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1989, initially under the name “Information Mesh.” From this start date, users can then explore 30 years of evolution.

Station Lights


Station Lights

with Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Pauline Saglio

Station Lights is a luminary installation specially made for the opening of the Gare du Châble train station. This project is the result of a course led at ECAL/Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne by Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier and Pauline Saglio. The technical development and production was entrusted to SIGMASIX, a studio started by ECAL graduates, who produce interactive installations in Switzerland and the rest of the world. The content displayed on the installation was made by students of the 2nd year Media & Interaction Design Bachelor: Antoine Barras, Maya Bellier, Pablo Bellon, Ivan Chestopaloff, Bastien Claessens, Guillaume Giraud, Léonard Guyot, Evan Kelly, Lisa Kishtoo, Kylan Luginbühl, Alice Nimier, Paul Lëon, Aurélien Pellegrini, Yael Sidler and Diane Thouvenin.

Olivia Wünsche – Anima Mundi


Olivia Wünsche – Anima Mundi

with Vincent Jacquier, Jonathan Hares, Guy Meldem

Anima Mundi is a transmedia platform designed to revive some of the most fundamental philosophical virtues. The project carries out both theoretical and visual research about the «Deep Ecology» movement, which promotes the development of a physical, intellectual and, above all, emotional bond with nature. Different facets of the same content evolve across three mediums:the video-collage unveils an immersive and sensory experience while the book offers a personal study of conceptual matter. Both the book and video are published on a website.

Timeline 125


Timeline 125

with Angelo Benedetto, Cyril Diagne, Vincent Jacquier

Timeline 125 is an interactive timeline for the 125th anniversary of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne. The project is developed in collaboration with 1st year students in BA Media & Interaction Design.

Marine Giraudo – Uréthane


Marine Giraudo – Uréthane

with Vincent Jacquier, Diego Bontognali, Jonathan Hares

«Uréthane» is an immersive experienced through Virtual Reality. It is a personal interpretation of the fashion designer’s work Vanessa Schindler, which aims to communicate visually and in three dimensions the universe of her latest collection.  Virtual Reality seemed to me to be a new, rich and appropriate medium to explore within the field of Graphic Design and more specifically by associating it to fashion. Collaborations, visual experimentations and the learning of new techniques are elements that have contributed to my pleasure in carrying out this project.

Swiss Data


Swiss Data

with Cyril Diagne, Vincent Jacquier

A series of interactive data-visualizations around swiss culture and the swissnex activity. Designed by Bachelor Media & Interaction Design students of ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, the projects were initiated during a one-week trip to San Francisco in March 2016. They present a novel and entertaining way to display various data. Commissioned by swissnex San Francisco.

When Objects Dream


When Objects Dream

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Vincent Jacquier, Florian Pittet (Sigmasix), Pauline Saglio, Eric Morzier (Sigmasix)

Do objects sometimes dream about themselves? What if we could enter their dreams? Virtual reality? Connected objects? On the occasion of the Milan International Furniture Fair 2016, the ECAL students of the Bachelor Media and Interaction Design present a collection of interactive experiments.




with Camille Blin, Nicolas Haeni, Vincent Jacquier

The ECAL students of the Bachelor Photography and Master Product Design present a series of interactive installations showing how mobile phone cameras and the selfie phenomenon changed the way we look at ourselves. How can one create objects and installations around the portrait theme in this digital age? What means are available to disseminate these? How can one make visitors interact with the exhibits and turn viewers into the main actors in the exhibition? Over a semester, 1st year Master Product Design students and 2nd year Bachelor Photography students from ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne worked on these issues with the aim to present their findings as part of an exhibition. Under the watchful eye of Vincent Jacquier, Head of the Visual Communication Department, of designer Camille Blin and photographer Nicolas Haeni, the students were able to understand, using various approaches, how current – material or virtual – technology alters our traditional relationship with portraits, be they selfies or pictures of others. Using modern media as well as more run-of-the-mill devices, exhibition visitors are invited to directly experiment the processes imagined by the students, allowing them to discover new interactive and fun ways of having their picture taken 3.0 style. Based on this principle, the exhibition stages an installation playing with the visitor’s shadow; the combination of a mirror and scanner to create realistic or distorted self-portraits; an image which is altered through song; a tribute to famous departed designers through a system of filters placed in front of a smartphone; analogically merged faces; a 180° portrait produced by a range of reflective surfaces; a trompe-l’œil projection on a mask; a family of objects able to hijack the smartphone camera function to create original images; a poetic reinterpretation Instagram; and finally, self-portraits captured by the photo itself. Video Images: ECAL/Nicolas Haeni

Beijing Connection


Beijing Connection

with Alain Bellet, Vincent Jacquier

Beijing Connexion is a web platform hosting projects realized during a one week journey in Beijing with 15 students. Our objectives were to work around the topic of quantified self, data logging and also on a reflection about regular picture and movie that people usually records during their own journey. To realize precisely those projects we had to perform 24 hours per day to get our datas and visual materials. We kindly thank the “Summer University” program of the Canton of Vaud who made this possible and also all the people who welcomed us at Tsinghua University, CAFA University and the Beijing Maker Space.

One minute repeater


One minute repeater

with Alain Bellet, Vincent Jacquier

On the occasion of the 24th edition of the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie (SIHH), which took place in Geneva from 20th to 24th January 2014, the ECAL/ University of Art & Design Lausanne created, for watchmaker Vacheron Constantin, a special installation named “The Minute Repeater”. This installation is the result of a research work directed at ECAL by Vincent Jacquier, Head of Visual Communication Department, and Alain Bellet, Head of Bachelor Media & Interaction Design. This research, which brings together students from both Bachelor in Media & Interaction Design and Industrial Design, permitted to develop a stand for the watchmaker based in Geneva. Not less than 12 screens reveal the oneiric sense of the Calibre 1731 of Vacheron Constantin. Thank to the animations unveiled on each screen by the magic of magnifying glasses, ECAL proposes its interpretation of this minute repeater movement, known to be the flattest on the market. Animations, production and technical development : Pauline Saglio, Mathieu Rivier, Guilhem Moreau With the help of : Philippe-Albert Lefebvre, Matthieu Minguet Students involved in the project : Laurent Bernaert, Nicolas Nahornyj, Hélène Zeis

Travaux rapides et semestriels


Travaux rapides et semestriels

Fabric of Light – LANTAL


Fabric of Light – LANTAL

with Alain Bellet, Vincent Jacquier

Lantal is opening the “Fabric of Light” exhibition on Saturday, October 27, 2012. It showcases imaginary and interactive installations with glimpses of the future in textile design. The exhibition was conceived and implemented by students enrolled in the Media & Interaction Design unit of the ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne. Fabrikraum 5 c/o Lantal Textiles Berghofstrasse 1 CH–4917 Melchnau