Studio project (2017) with Natacha Lesueur
“Corps-concept” is an exhibition that reflects on contemporary conceptions of the body that underpin numerous ideological movements, including transhumanism. Issues regarding the body-object, the body-draft, body-commodity and the anthropological consequences of these different “conceptional reductions” will be examined. The aim of the exhibition is to offer an unprecedented insight into our current utopias and on the technoscientific driving force that irrigates these. From 21 My to 19 November at the Maison d'Ailleurs in Yverdon-les-Bains. Opening reception 21 May from 5pm.
At the invitation of Marc Atallah, director and curator of the Maison d’Ailleurs, first-year Bachelor degree Photography students at the ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne tackled the very contemporary issue of transhumanism. For two semesters, they confronted this school of thought which advocates the advent of a new human being and contends that the progress of science and technology makes it possible to transcend human nature. The project was led by Natacha Lesueur, a French artist-photographer and teacher at the ECAL. This exhibition presents a selection of photographic and filmic works, reflecting the transdisciplinary training programme offered by the ECAL. By contrasting different visions on ways of shaping the humanity of tomorrow, these projects express the numerous controversies and debates regarding transhumanism, as well as its accompanying ideologies.
Exhibition opens
from 21 May to 19 November 2017
Tu-Sun 11am-6pm
50% discount for ECAL students upon presentation of their legitimation card.
Maison d’Ailleurs
Place Pestalozzi 14
Case postale 945
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
T. : + 41 24 425 64 38