Calendar ECAL 2012
This 2012 calendar is made of photograms directly composed on offset plates. This unusual and experimental technique allows to print perfect fades without using any raster. Objects, things and animals were selected and arranged by students, during a workshop held at ECAL by Körner Union, Maximage and T. Rihs, assisted by Olga Prader.
Thomas Bellegarde,
Melchior Burnat,
Hugues Coudurier,
Nicolas Denolle,
Valentine Etiév,
Julien Fischer,
Sébastien Fontana,
Pierre Girardin,
Thomas Hervé,
Guillaume Jean-Mairet,
Frédéric-Seng Küng,
Joël Passieux,
Justine Schaller,
Guillermo Vázquez Bustelo