During the service design course, the 3rd year of the Graphic Design, Photography and Media & Interaction Design bachelor's degree programs realized multi-media projects. A collaboration of the Visual Communication department with the theme of SDGs (*Sustainable Development Goals).
The theme named "For a good cause, make the SDGS a reality" aims to develop a cause close to the heart of the different student groups. Each project is composed of at least two different supports, one primary and one secondary. The projects could therefore take any form the students deemed relevant, be it a website, editions and posters, a video sequence, or even virtual reality.
Transversal project (2023) with Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Pauline Saglio
The SDGs are to be achieved worldwide and by all UN member states by 2030. This means that all states must play an equal role in finding common solutions to the world's pressing challenges. Switzerland is also required to implement the objectives at national level. In addition, incentives must be created to encourage non-governmental players to make an increasingly active contribution to sustainable development.
Journal & teaser
The project aims to address the harmful consequences of a lack of free and informed access to sexual, reproductive and family health. We focus here on the obstacles encountered during the abortion process. In some cases, these lead to the use of unsafe methods of termination, which can have serious consequences for both physical and mental health, including death. In "The Legal Clock", we take stock of the different situations in Europe from a geographical point of view, and present the different abortion methods available. With the aim of informing and demystifying the way procedures are carried out, we also present testimonials from people who have had a safe, clandestine abortion, and from those who have not been able to access an abortion.
Website & posters
The project, in the form of a website, retraces the path of pesticides, whose presence spreads throughout the pollination process. From its first use on plants, to its consumption in the form of honey, the journey takes visual form in a series of photos, somewhere between docu-fiction and archive. It is accompanied by a narrative text, facts and the consequences for the environment and living beings at each stage.
By Ambre Louineau , Agathe Bourrée & Jessica Dreier
Edition & website
New housing is being built all the time to meet growing demand. However, the Ile verte project questions the place of plants in urban environments. Its aim is to raise public awareness of the many benefits it brings to the environment around our homes. With sustainability and ecology in mind, we looked at ways of revitalizing existing areas. In a carefully crafted edition, combining individual testimonials, informative texts and photographic images, we present the project from an entertaining angle. In this way, we give readers the opportunity to construct their own images, thanks to a subtle play on transparency. As for our website, which serves as a second medium, it reveals the major themes addressed in our edition.
Edition & video/teaser
Pour mieux vivre ensemble is a project aimed at promoting sustainable neighborhoods. The aim of this edition is to summarize and popularize the concept of eco-neighborhoods, based on concrete examples of structures already established in Switzerland. Its main objective is to promote the emergence, realization and understanding of these living spaces which, in response to the current global crisis, seem to represent a most interesting solution.
Edition & video
The edition uses contextual elements such as statistics, articles and other documents to provide a context for nuclear energy consumption and its implications and risks. Following this, a final section presents elements of semiotics related to the management of nuclear waste. In this way, the reader acquires the necessary tools to understand the consequences of nuclear consumption. The video serves as a teaser for the edition, taking certain elements and codes present in the book and representing them in a dystopian future, in order to materialize this temporal distance that may seem abstract.
By Adryan Barrilliet , Louis Victorin Michel & Thomas Neyroud
Website & Instagram
It's not uncommon for students to put aside sports or other physical activities in favor of their studies. Unfortunately, this trend has a negative impact on their physical and mental well-being, leading to a loss of motivation. This is where the VIF platform comes into its own. Its aim is to inform the residents of Lausanne about the different places offering a variety of physical activities adapted to each individual. Whether you prefer to practice a sport alone, in a duo, find a team or even join a club for the more determined, VIF guides you towards the best options. What's more, in order to fully convince you, VIF makes it its duty to find the most affordable offers for even the tightest budgets. If you hold a HES student card or are a 3rd year gymnasium student in Switzerland, or if you belong to the HES-UNIL-EPFL community, the CHUV, the SIFO, the CIO, or the BCV, this platform is specially designed for you.
Fanzine & Website
Despite recent waves of feminism, ordinary sexism is still trivialized and invisible in privileged circles. It was against this backdrop that OUTBURST n°1 was born, the first in a series of leaflets designed to provide information on discrimination against women in the workplace. In the form of a malleable, playful brochure, this project allows for rapid distribution, while being easily reproducible, in order to make information accessible to the new generation. The brochure is designed to offer several levels of reading, including testimonials, articles and real-life situations, to better grasp the issues at stake in this crucial subject. As a second support, an interactive web experience offers an overview of the brochure's content, enabling direct promotion of the project via an online medium.
By Tickie Bindner , Vera Gonzalez Ponce & Léa Sblandano
Edition & video
Sex On The Lake is a playful, popular science book. In the form of an illustrated story, the book presents all the players involved in the feminization of fish and explains their respective responsibilities. This serious phenomenon is not yet widely publicized. Our case study, the disappearance of river trout from Lake Leman, deals with the subject in a precise way, to reach a wider audience. Today's wastewater treatment plants do not filter chemical waste. This waste, these micropollutants, ends up in the water, threatening the biodiversity of aquatic environments.
A short video to poetically raise awareness of the feminization of fish. In contrast to the book, the impact of the various players is dealt with in flashback. The video takes the point of view of the fish, so that the viewer is touched by the problem. The colors, formal aspects and titling are consistent with the book.
Book, Video & poster
Recent events remind us of the importance of having access to reliable, verified, quality infomartion. Censorship, conspiracy theories and the issues raised by new platforms are all challenges for today's journalists. Through this project, we aim to raise awareness of journalistic professions and their importance in our societies. By synthesizing UNESCO's "Manual for Journalism Education and Training", we are making it accessible in a small pocket book for the general public. The project is visually guided by a bubble, a metaphor for the magnifying glass and investigation. The bubble makes the guide fun, gives it a sense of identity and creates a link between digital and printed media.
By Paul Nouvelhomme , Hugo Jauffret & Alexis Gargaloni
Edition & instagram
BLUE is a quarterly magazine that aims to raise readers' awareness of the threats facing aquatic ecosystems, oceans, rivers and their inhabitants. It is aimed at people who are sensitive to environmental issues, eager to discover and learn about contemporary problems and solutions linked to water preservation. The very first issue of this publication, entitled "Coral Virus", looks at the phenomenon of coral bleaching and the slow disappearance of corals worldwide. The magazine's mission is to inform readers about the causes and consequences of this phenomenon, while presenting current solutions.
In addition to raising awareness of our individual responsibilities, this issue aims to challenge and re-evaluate our perception of corals and their preservation. It also features interviews with enthusiasts of the subject, as well as with a renowned researcher from the University of Lausanne. BLUE magazine has an Instagram account, under the name blue.magazine.ch, which aims to be an interactive, dynamic and proactive space in its publications. We regularly share news about the aquatic world and relay the work of organizations committed to protecting water resources.