




2006 2024
Odran Jobin – What lies behind


Odran Jobin – What lies behind

by Odran Jobin

What Lies Behind is an immersive virtual reality experience dealing with the disproportionate scales that separate us from the immense and the minuscule. This project is based around a philosophical and personal thought; it is difficult, as human beings, to define ourselves when faced with the idea that the immense and the minuscule come together in complexities and scales that escape our perception. This experiment takes us on a journey through these scales. The aim is not to explain, but to marvel at the beauty of the inexplicable. Seated on a bench, we are led through various scenes, each gradually altering our perception of space.

Ekaterina Bliznyuk – Photosensitivity warning: following content may cause seizures


Ekaterina Bliznyuk – Photosensitivity warning: following content may cause seizures

with Diego Bontognali, Jonathan Hares

Photosensitive epilepsy is a variant of epilepsy in which the affected person suffers from particular reactions to light and certain static patterns. Due to a lack of awareness of this disorder, our environment contains a large number of visual triggers, which endanger the daily life of photosensitive people. My project reproduces in virtual reality the most harmful locations and elements for photosensitive people, always illustrating two of these variants: the one that is visually accepted and the one that acts as a visual trigger. Being both a graphic designer and a photosensitive person, I sought to highlight the ignorance of this disease, which leads to visual exclusion. This is reinforced by the idea that I myself will never be able to view my own project in its full form.

VR Sequences 2022


VR Sequences 2022

with Sami Benhadj

VR Music Video projects created by second-year students in the Bachelor of Media & Interaction Design program.

Ivan Chestopaloff – (un)load


Ivan Chestopaloff – (un)load

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

In a world dominated by images, where content is constantly blasted at our brain, the race for maximum performance and ultra-high definition feels endless. (un)load chooses to go beyond the classic forms of digital experience. With this tool, we will try to dive into a molecular state, where the single unit becomes the whole. In a kind of reverse cinema, you will be deprived of some of your senses and will reach overload through extreme reduction. Expressing the constant overload we experience as a society and the capacity we have to construct our own relationship to the world, (un)load explores the narrative potential of immersive technologies, based on the senses and beyond representation. Warning: this work contains flashing lights.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Mindmaze x ECAL


Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Mindmaze x ECAL

with Mindmaze, Laura Nieder, Tibor Udvari

“Harder, better, faster, stronger” was a one week workshop in collaboration with Mindmaze exploring playful interactions with medical sensors and devices.

VR Sequences 2021


VR Sequences 2021

with Sami Benhadj

VR Music Video projects created by second-year students in the Bachelor of Media & Interaction Design program.

Léonard Guyot – Concrete


Léonard Guyot – Concrete

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Concrete is an immersive experience that offers to discover digital architectures through lights and shadows that reveal the volumes and geometry of these environments. A tangible interface of concrete and electronics controls the parts of these buildings. To access the various structures, each person is invited to solve an enigma based on a pattern of light. With Concrete, I aimed to combine reflection on how we interact with a digital world with brutalist architectural inspirations and a playful experience of virtual reality.

Kylan Luginbühl – FRAME-Lab


Kylan Luginbühl – FRAME-Lab

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

FRAME-Lab offers a series of immersive experiences that provide new ways of interacting with a virtual reality environment. The traditional controller is replaced by a physical frame that enables you to explore various worlds and functionalities. This new interface, both tangible and digital, can thus take the form of a shield, a portal to travel in time and space, or that of a parachute. This interface frame is offered to the community of makers as 3D files available online that anyone can transform and print at home.

Maya Bellier – Strike the Pose


Maya Bellier – Strike the Pose

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

In performing arts, there is often, by convention, some distance, an invisible screen that separates the audience from the actors in the performance. Yet these respective positions have changed over time. Bauhaus artists actually aimed for total theatre, where the entire venue would be the stage. Strike the Pose is a participatory VR experience that begins from the moment we wait. A re-interpretation of Oskar Schlemmer’s “Triadic Ballet”, this complete and inclusive work invites all participants to enter through their acting into a total composition, both physical and digital.

Yael Sidler – Lasius Flavus


Yael Sidler – Lasius Flavus

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

“Lasius Flavus” is an immersive and didactic experience developed in collaboration with the Museum of Zoology. Throughout the tour, visitors discover the world of the yellow ant, its habitat and perception of the world. This interactive VR project offers an interpretation of these various aspects to lead us to reflect on the relationship that each species has with its environment. Moreover, the exercise of thinking on a scale that is not ours can help us question our own future.




with Ted Davis

XY - Experiments around the graphical and interactive potential of oscilloscopes. One week workshop given by Ted Davis to the 1st year Bachelor in Media & Interaction Design. Workshop assisted by Sébastien Matos.

Jonathan Boulenaz – Light Perception


Jonathan Boulenaz – Light Perception

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Pauline Saglio

Starting from the observation that technology evolves by putting more and more the visual in the foreground, especially via VR, I have chosen to play on the partial deprivation of this sense, to appeal to more primary instincts. The user is in the VR space where light is captured and redistributed to represent the sound, giving him brief insights into what surrounds him. He will therefore have to use his ability to mentally visualize a space in order to be able to evolve in the experience.

Tamara Virág – Bloom


Tamara Virág – Bloom

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Pauline Saglio

In our fast-paced and stressful society, getting overwhelmed is easy. Bloom is tailored as a biofeedback-based tool that allows the subject to become more conscious of oneself and helps alleviate stress symptoms. This VR experience is accompanied by a therapist who follows and guides the patient through a set of different chapters; visual, auditory and kinesthetic. The project will be taken further as a study at the CRR in the Hospital of Sion, in order to verify the pertinence and efficiency in the treatment of stress, anxiety et chronic pain management.




with Sami Benhadj

VR project made during a video course with Sami Benhadj.




with Sami Benhadj

Neo-Incas is a music video realized for the track Agua by Moonshine. The video present a futuristic interpretation of the Incas’s culture.




with Sami Benhadj

Super City is a virtual reality experience that questions the notion of space by immersing the viewer in a universe that defies the laws of physics. We find ourselves strolling through surrealist architectures composed from 3D scans.




with Sami Benhadj

Quantum is a music VR journey through the eye of a human body that let the spectator travel between differents surreal environements

Down the Rabbit Hole


Down the Rabbit Hole

with Sami Benhadj

Down The Rabbit Hole invites the viewer into a fictional world. As the spectator advances throughout the experience, the world becomes more and more imaginary and unreal.

Pianeta PUCCI


Pianeta PUCCI

Pianeta PUCCI, a virtual reality experience realised by Pietro Alberti, proposes a new way of exploring the prints and the colors of the brand. Through the use of virtual reality, the custommer has the opportunity to immerse oneself in a surrealistic interpretation of the Pucci universe - showcasting a deconstructed version of the historic palazzo Pucci, Emilio Pucci heritage headquarters, and its renaissance decor including busts highlighted in the iconic “Emilio Pink”. Elsewhere, elements of the florentine city appear including a “Puccified” duomo. pietroalberti.ch

Le Salon de Compagnie


Le Salon de Compagnie

by Pietro Alberti

This immersive installation created by Pietro Alberti proposes an innovative way to discover an emblematic room of the musée des Arts Décoratifs et du Design in Bordeaux (madd-bordeaux). Thanks to Virtual Reality, the perception of the 15th century’s architecture, gildings and furnitures are constantly changing, giving the spectator, a completely new vision of the space and its antic masterpieces. The musée des Arts Décoratifs et du Design in Bordeaux (madd-bordeaux) paired with ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne for a collaboration that led to an interactive installation in the museum. This project is the starting point for future collaborations and new digital devices installed in the museum. pietroalberti.ch

Mélanie Courtinat – I never promised you a garden


Mélanie Courtinat – I never promised you a garden

with Christophe Guignard

I never promised you a garden offers an immersive journey inside a fantasized hanging garden using virtual reality. The public is invited to walk among chimeric plants and make them blossom with a simple touch. Having noticed that some spectators have a tendency to be uninvolved and passive before an interactive design artwork, this project questions their willful participation. What is to be done when a spectator makes the conscious choice to not interact with an interactive project? What is the design of refusal?

Stella Speziali – Tangibles Worlds


Stella Speziali – Tangibles Worlds

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Tangible worlds is a project combining virtual reality and tactile sensations, allowing us to feel as close as possible to the virtual elements present in the installation. My research aims to make sure that the user doesn’t limit himself by simply observing the virtual universe, but interacts with the material within and become attentive of the feedback through his sensations and feelings that come by touching these textures. The installation is composed of three different boxes. Each box contains an IR distance sensor, which detects when a hand is inserted and display the virtual world attributed to the box. This new virtual world surrounds the user. A sensor is placed on each wall within the boxes, this sensor recognizes the hand and activates an animation inside the virtual world. I tried to map the sensors in the virtual universe so that a little clue is given to the user and will lead him to trigger the animations.

When Objects Dream


When Objects Dream

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Vincent Jacquier, Florian Pittet (Sigmasix), Pauline Saglio, Eric Morzier (Sigmasix)

Do objects sometimes dream about themselves? What if we could enter their dreams? Virtual reality? Connected objects? On the occasion of the Milan International Furniture Fair 2016, the ECAL students of the Bachelor Media and Interaction Design present a collection of interactive experiments.

Rotary Club


Rotary Club

Brainstorming workshop and experiments around the theme of rotation. Discussions on the various concepts associated with this principle: geometric, physical, etc. Then in groups of three, students have designed and developed a digital installation that uses rotation in its interaction system.

Simon De Diesbach – OccultUs


Simon De Diesbach – OccultUs

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

OccultUs is an Oculus Rift installation that immerses the user in the midst of a sensory experience playing on the interpenetration of visual and sound elements from two distinct realities, one tangible and another simulated. I wanted to exploit the technical and artistic potential of Oculus Rift without achieving a purely digital experience. I preferred imagining a hybrid installation to shake the sensory habits of users while questioning their relation to the world.
