




2006 2024
Viktor Gagné – Serialized Saplings


Viktor Gagné – Serialized Saplings

by Viktor Gagné

The weight of materials produced by humans is now believed to exceed that of all terrestrial biomass. How will these artifacts integrate into the rest of the environment in a million years? Serialized Saplings is an interactive installation that speculates on a potential form of vegetation to come, heavily altered by the excesses of human production, here crystallized through the symbol of the electrical outlet. By manipulating the connections of several power strips, the participant is invited to program the "genetic code" of hybrid plant species that do not yet exist and whose appearance resembles our industrial standards. This generated vegetation is then classified in the form of a digital herbarium that can be consulted and studied.




with Adeline Mollard

During the visual identity course with Adeline Mollard, the students had to develop an identity project promoting a collection chosen by them. Each project includes the design of a catalogue contextualising and presenting the collection, together with the design of a poster.

Information Design


Information Design

with Angelo Benedetto

During the information design course the students of the second year have been asked to design a cartographic poster based on a film in the road movie genre, in a direct or abstract representation.

Service Design - 2024




Service Design - 2024

with Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Pauline Saglio, Calypso Mahieu

During the Service Design course, the 3rd year of the Graphic Design, Photography and Media & Interaction Design bachelors had to create multi-media projects. A collaboration of the Visual Communication department which had as subject the SDGs (*Sustainable Development Goals). The theme was called "For a good cause, make the SDGs a reality" and its objective was to allow students to develop a cause that is close to their hearts. Each project consists of at least two different media, one primary and one secondary. These projects could take any form that the students deemed relevant, be it a website, editions, posters, a video sequence or virtual reality.




with Adeline Mollard

During the visual identity course with Adeline Mollard, the students had to develop an identity project promoting a collection chosen by them. Each project includes the design of a catalogue contextualising and presenting the collection, together with the design of a triptych of posters.

Information Design


Information Design

with Angelo Benedetto

During the information design course the students have been asked to design a cartographic poster based on a film in the road movie genre, in a direct or abstract representation.

Mélanie Fontaine – Latent*


Mélanie Fontaine – Latent*

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

The mirroring system of instant messaging implies the presumed availability of the interlocutor. However, while waiting for a response, certain questions become recurrent: “Alex is online, why isn’t he answering? What is he doing?” Latent* is a chat application that allows you to converse with your friends by developing the context of the discussion and what is not said. Just like theatre, it fuels the conversation by adding didascalies generated according to the collected data (response time, location). By highlighting the unsaid parts of an exchange, the generated reading mode enriches the discussion, creates poetic tension, and allows the interlocutors to become the characters of their own play. www.melaniefontaine.ch

Elodie Anglade – Digital DNA


Elodie Anglade – Digital DNA

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Digital DNA is a 3D data visualisation platform that displays an analysis of the content that is shown to me on Instagram. The interface compares the duality of my perception with that of the algorithm. It results in a virtual space representing a digital genome that visitors are invited to explore in order to discover the subtleties of the intersection between human and algorithmic perspectives. While studying these “smart” systems, I became aware that their ability to analyse is somewhat biased. Some of the categories I was assigned were unexpected and did not match the visuals presented. In this way, Digital DNA highlights the gap created by this contrast between the categories and the visuals that are displayed. Try it here

Achille Masson – Phone Archaeology


Achille Masson – Phone Archaeology

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Phone Archaeology is an interactive installation that traces the evolution of mobile phones through my own experience. The project reveals a digitalised, speculated, and recovered private life, like traces of the past. This memory engraved in silicon that tends to be obsolete is the story of memories left behind every time we change phones. Research around Phone Archaeology brings to light a form of reflection on our data. The matter of data recovery is intrinsically linked to digital archiving and planned obsolescence. While the abstraction of a digital file may seem timeless, the imminent danger of losing even more digital memories forces us to rethink how we archive them. phonearchaeology.com

Martial Grin – Spectacle·s Museum


Martial Grin – Spectacle·s Museum

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Spectacle·s Museum looks at the photographs of visitors in a museum space. Through a web atlas, this project paints a series of portraits in one of the most photographed museums in the world, the Louvre. Using images published on Instagram, the project classifies and groups them according to their formal and spatial specificities. Through Spectacle·s Museum, I approach the theme of the staging of the self, particularly in the museum space.

Manon Vouga – Sensitive Binaries


Manon Vouga – Sensitive Binaries

by Manon Vouga

The concept of quality of life is used to measure the well-being of the population. It consists of nine interdependent dimensions, relating to material living conditions as well as to the subjective notion of quality of life. This first print edition highlights each dimension by illustrating them through these different indicators, thereby providing information and points of comparison between each partner cities in the form of data series covering most aspects relating to living conditions. Conducted under the direction of the City Statistics study of the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics, this project invites you to an intangible journey through the cities of Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, Lugano, St Gallen, Winterthur and Zurich.

Nathanaël Vianin – The Last Forest


Nathanaël Vianin – The Last Forest

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

The Last Forest offers a browser-based walkable forest of spatialised information about collapse in general. Internet users are invited to wander through it and to find posts from the r/collapse reddit community in the form of trees. The categorisation and index provide a more structured browsing of the information contained in the trees. The Last Forest aims to raise awareness about climate change and its potential to end globalised, consumerist civilisation as we know it.

Soraya Camina – Per Aspera Ad Astra – Five Women Who Mapped the Cosmos


Soraya Camina – Per Aspera Ad Astra – Five Women Who Mapped the Cosmos

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Per Aspera Ad Astra is a web-documentary that tells the story of five women astronomers who were in charge of discovering, calculating, classifying and mapping the cosmos between 1879 and 1979. This project aims to rehabilitate the crucial contribution made by women in STEM. In the early days, before the word “computer” was used to describe a machine, it was in actual fact used to describe a person, namely the women who made calculations and observations by hand. The “Harvard Computers” significantly contributed to astronomy and science by discovering many galaxies and establishing the stellar classification system that is still in use today. Nowadays, however, we speak very little about these five women; their work remains unknown, and their discoveries have often been attributed to the men who employed them. per-aspera-ad-astra.vercel.app

Antoine Contreras Salazar – Ballade


Antoine Contreras Salazar – Ballade

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

At a time when music can be accessed anywhere and at any time, how can one compose an interactive and evolving album that takes into account its environment? In an ode to strolling around Lausanne, the auditor discovers a polyphonic orchestra while walking through the city’s landmarks. The mobile phone becomes the tool for a composition that features different sound layers, revealed throughout the walk, where the music no longer has a pre-established duration but varies according to the places that are visited. By their geolocation, the listeners/composers initiate new musical tracks as they walk along. A more organic mode of listening is introduced, where compass and binaural sounds reveal the abstract and digital substance that floats around us.

Information Design


Information Design

with Angelo Benedetto

For the information design course the students have been asked to design a cartographic poster based on a film in the road movie genre, in a direct or abstract representation.

Ignacio Pérez – Overloaded.supply


Ignacio Pérez – Overloaded.supply

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

In 2020, we reached a tipping point with the mass of man-made artefacts exceeding the biomass on our planet. This is mainly due to an economic system of manufacturing and consumption where the overabundance of objects has become the norm. Overloaded.supply is a semi-autonomous system that exploits the control of creation algorithms in order to question current patterns of design, production and legislation. To do so, the installation allows users, via a physical interface, to control an intangible, invisible and vast universe of objects where they can take possession of them through a fictitious patent document. This document will be stored on a dedicated website that acts as a repository of already protected objects that may or may not be produced. overloaded.supply

Michael Pica – Confessionnal


Michael Pica – Confessionnal

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Confessionnal is a web app that enables users to anonymously confess their behaviour on social networks. With the advent of social media years ago, the behaviour of users varies. Unmentionable acts are sometimes committed on these platforms. This project is inspired by the Catholic confessional as we know it but is based on the digital era we live in. Users live the anonymous experience with a mask as participants or spectators. They confess orally and personalise their mask based on their age, the platform or the main subject of the confession. On the other hand, they can observe other masks and listen to the confessions of other users.

Rayane Jemaa – Is This the Middle East?


Rayane Jemaa – Is This the Middle East?

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Is This the Middle East? investigates representation of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in a selection of video games. I am interested in the patterns, repetitive artefacts, locations and texts in games that claim to be set in the MENA region. These objects become archetypes. Are these photo-realistic environments also realistic in the scenes they depict or do they become another backdrop for war-related games? Using photogrammetry to reconstruct these environments, I address the implications of seeing an abundance of often over-simplified images of the Middle East, especially in a world where video games are becoming not only a global phenomenon, but also a means to encounter other cultures.

Pauline Baldinetti – Entrecroisés


Pauline Baldinetti – Entrecroisés

by Pauline Baldinetti

Entrecroisés is a multilingual book featuring nine languages that addresses multilingualism in Switzerland. The aim of the book is to promote foreign languages in Switzerland and to compare the data of the Federal Statistical Office with reality. Throughout the book, the reader discovers the interweaving of this linguistic diversity within Switzerland through colours, infographics, expressions, photographic surveys and testimonies. The book thus sheds new light on migration in Switzerland and the cohabitation of these different cultures within one nation.

Extra 2020


Extra 2020

with Cyril Diagne

A one week workshop with Cyril Diagne where students were asked to question the browser and its use, to change the experience of the web thanks to chrome extensions.

Evan Kelly – Invisible Network


Evan Kelly – Invisible Network

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Invisible Network is a portable device that makes the invisible and autonomous communications of machines perceptible and tangible. The way they interact with each other is akin to the modes of human communication, thus creating a real social network of machines. This device mediates between users and the machines around them. Via the screen it transmits fragments of its continuous and silent communications in the form of human social metaphors.

Pablo Bellon – Lockdown Memorial Archive


Pablo Bellon – Lockdown Memorial Archive

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

In 2020, with the emergence of Covid-19, people self-quarantined. For many this was an opportunity to reflect on their situation. Lockdown Memorial Archive enables anyone to share their story about the confinement and to become aware of the feelings of others. Through a web app, participants are invited to personalise an emblematic object and to link it to an account of their experience. The overall result thus constitutes an archive made up of several immersive memorials where one can relive this situation of isolation in a different way.

Aurélien Pellegrini – Pump and Surf


Aurélien Pellegrini – Pump and Surf

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Pump and Surf encourages internet users to find out how much energy is spent when they are surfing the internet. Before being able to view a website, internet users are asked to make a physical effort similar to the energy required to convey the data that will enable the site to be displayed. Through interactive experiences and graphic visualisations, Pump and Surf leads users to take the measure of the quantity of energy involved in the exchange of information, to the point of feeling them physically.

Paul Lëon – Caption


Paul Lëon – Caption

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Nowadays, we continuously capture images in which we place the hope of memory. In fact most of these images are left abandoned in the mass of our galleries and dormant hard drives. Caption exposes forgotten images taken from the gallery of its users. Through a series of questions we are invited to look inwardly at our relationship with these images. By synthesising and exposing all the answers collected, Caption immerses us into ethnographic research that addresses our collective relationship with the images.

Diane Thouvenin – Sun Connection


Diane Thouvenin – Sun Connection

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

What time is it at Hortense’s in Montreal? What’s the weather like at Alexandre’s in Tokyo? When I communicate with my loved ones, scattered all over the world, I am disconnected from my physical time-space. Sources of constant artificial light and windows on the digital world, screens replace the sun as a space-time reference point. Sun Connection enables you to reconnect with your loved ones through a delocalised sun. Everyone is free to use their own physical and digital space with a luminous and colourful presence, to transpose themselves into another time and space.

Bastien Mouthon – MoodWalk


Bastien Mouthon – MoodWalk

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

MoodWalk is a music player that enables one to discover music in a different way. It generates sound moods based on a city’s musical programmes (clubs/concert halls/bars/cultural venues). The app works in two different modes thanks to geolocation: a “compass” and a “walking” mode. Aiming to offer a local and radically alternative way of discovering music, MoodWalk seeks to burst existing algorithmic bubbles in order to offer a tool to discover the surrounding soundscape.

Bruno Jolliet – New York Urban Atlas


Bruno Jolliet – New York Urban Atlas

with Gilles Gavillet, Nicole Udry

“New York Urban Atlas” is a project on the different ways in which urban density is physically transcribed in New York City. The book follows the principle of administrative residential areas by exploring the various neighbourhoods in the form of illustrations. Throughout the chapters the reader is led to explore urban materiality from an analytical angle with environmental factors relating to the illustrations. Map information provides insight into the various neighbourhoods explored in the book.

Bruno Jolliet – New York Urban Atlas


Bruno Jolliet – New York Urban Atlas

with Gilles Gavillet, Nicole Udry

“New York Urban Atlas” is a project on the different ways in which urban density is physically transcribed in New York City. The book follows the principle of administrative residential areas by exploring the various neighbourhoods in the form of illustrations. Throughout the chapters the reader is led to explore urban materiality from an analytical angle with environmental factors relating to the illustrations. Map information provides insight into the various neighbourhoods explored in the book.

Information design


Information design

with Angelo Benedetto

For the information design course the students have been asked to design a cartographic poster based on a film in the road movie genre, in a direct or abstract representation.

Drawing Machines


Drawing Machines

with Daniël Maarleveld

Drawing Machines - Projects centered around the design of machines capable of producing generative drawings. Workshop given to the 2nd year class in Media & Interaction Design by Daniël Maarleveld. Workshop assisted by Callum Ross et Pietro Alberti.

Extra 2019


Extra 2019

with Cyril Diagne

A one week workshop with Cyril Diagne where students were asked to question the browser and its use, to change the experience of the web thanks to chrome extensions.

Nathan Vogel – relations.watch


Nathan Vogel – relations.watch

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Pauline Saglio

Conflicts of interests are often at the heart of issues like democratic or environmental crises. However, in today’s information landscape, we massively get and forget those bits of data. With an open and collaborative approach, relations.watch aims to summarise relations between people, companies, media, etc. so as to enable anyone to quickly discover potential conflicts of interests. One of the most challenging aspects of this project is to convey very dense semantic data in a visually simple and interactive way while staying as neutral as possible on highly political topics. relations.watch

Guillaume Simmen – zero lux(e)


Guillaume Simmen – zero lux(e)

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Pauline Saglio

Light pollution is a nuisance that humans don’t notice. But it disrupts the eco-system of thousands of species. The objective of my project is to turn off night lighting in rural areas. It is composed of three tools, a DIY geolocated luxmeter to measure the pollution of its village, a DIY box to place under a streetlight that allows to alert the municipality, and the website that gathers the collected information and that also serves as a support to mobilize people. This project has shown me how I can help in important causes. zerolux-e.org




with Pauline Saglio, Vincent Jacquier, Laura Nieder

Information Mesh is a web platform celebrating the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web that explores social, technical, cultural and legal facts throughout different interactive timelines. It was initiated in October 2018 during a one week workshop in partnership with swissnex San Francisco, where students visited key partners and began developing the project. The timelines present an overview of Web history, starting with the proposal for hypertext by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1989, initially under the name “Information Mesh.” From this start date, users can then explore 30 years of evolution. infomesh.org




with Alain Bellet

Content produced during a course given by Alain Bellet to the 2nd year students in Bachelor Media & Interaction Design.

André Andrade – 300 000 km/s


André Andrade – 300 000 km/s

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

The probable future expansion of the territory of Man towards Mars will bring us to communicate through an interplanetary Internet. The distance between the two planets will not physically allow the immediacy of the Internet as we know it on Earth. My project highlights the limit of the communication speed through a simplified visualization of a permanent ping (round-trip time) between Earth and Mars. In a world where everything is accelerating, 300’000 km/s symbolically illustrates the limits of physics and evokes a patience that we are not used to anymore.

Pierry Jaquillard – Prelude in ACGT, Chr. 1 to 22 and XY


Pierry Jaquillard – Prelude in ACGT, Chr. 1 to 22 and XY

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

2018: the recent technological advances pledge an eternal conservation of data. DNA seems to be the new medium for memory. Nevertheless, interpretation and therefore the understanding of this data is crucial. Will we be able to decode it? By giving a new interpretation of this code through music, I seek to discover it. How is it composed? Has it already been composed? This research is materialized by four screens to interact and understand different interpretations of only one code. Between science and music, this project interfaces culture, codes and nature.

Giulio Barresi – Tools for Connected Humans


Giulio Barresi – Tools for Connected Humans

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Nowadays, smartphones are seen as an extension of the human being. Both a tool and a distraction, these devices make it difficult to focus due to a digital overload of social interactions. The ability to interact with others without a connected devices is fading away. As an interaction designer, I question our actual relationship with technology face its utterly promises to shape a better world. In the search for space for more disconnected interactions, I designed Tools for Connected Humans. A series of connected devices ready to help the user disconnect from connectivity.

Adrien Kaeser – Weather Thingy


Adrien Kaeser – Weather Thingy

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

My project is using real time climate-related events to control and modify the settings of musical instruments. Through this project I wanted to propose a new way of composing and playing music by letting nature accompany us in our melodies. This project joins in a serie of sound modules that I’ve made to find a new way to compose and collaborate with environmental events.




with Dries Depoorter

Stockify is a live music service that follows the mood of the stock markets. It plays happy music only when the stock is going up and sad music when it’s going down. It uses APIs of stock markets to analyse and transform the state of the market into a live musical experience.

Timeline 125


Timeline 125

with Angelo Benedetto, Cyril Diagne, Vincent Jacquier

Timeline 125 is an interactive timeline for the 125th anniversary of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne. The project is developed in collaboration with 1st year students in BA Media & Interaction Design.




with Angelo Benedetto

Virtual clocks with no time markers, simple representations of time passing. Selection of projects created in the first year Bachelor Media & Interaction during the Dynamic Display course with Angelo Benedetto. Find all the interactive versions here.

Pietro Alberti – Beyond Fields


Pietro Alberti – Beyond Fields

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Beyond Fields is a plateform independent puzzle game composed of three chapters each inspired by the fundamental interactions of nature. Throughout the game the player pass through different levels during which he has the opportunity to interact with various graphical elements that will allow him to rebalance the force fields and to solve the level. Thanks to a system of filters, it is possible to travel through different representations of the game - graphical, analytical or mathematical - thus allowing the player to have a global vision of the forces that are exerted between the graphical elements. Play online

Thomas Faucheux – Sockciety


Thomas Faucheux – Sockciety

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Uncovering an online socks store, “Sockciety” offers a way of consuming in which personal data issued from social networks are converted into rights or inhibitions to purchase. It is also a reflection on the consequences of the “datatification” of the world, mingled with a system of perverse gamification where all quantified actions become criteria for evaluation, necessary to the obtention of a uniform.

Swiss Data


Swiss Data

with Cyril Diagne, Vincent Jacquier

A series of interactive data-visualizations around swiss culture and the swissnex activity. Designed by Bachelor Media & Interaction Design students of ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, the projects were initiated during a one-week trip to San Francisco in March 2016. They present a novel and entertaining way to display various data. Commissioned by swissnex San Francisco.

Machine Learning


Machine Learning

The workshop was an introduction to machine learning and image classification. Students were ask to bring 50 objects each, that we photographed. Those objects have been analyzed and classified by an algorithm which allowed us to place them on the floor in the most organized possible arrangement. Each student worked on a project using the object collection. A few interesting projects were created, such as a physical search engine by key word highlighting the objects on the floor and a gradient of objects type using tracking and image recognition. quasimondo.com

Martin Hertig – Sensible Data


Martin Hertig – Sensible Data

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Sensible Data is an interactive installation consisting of three machines that invite to create a passport from your personal data. Take a picture of yourself and a machine will draw your portrait. Send an email and an algorithm will judge your age, gender and beauty. By pressing a dubious button, you can get a nice confirmation stamp. Thank you for your contribution! This project allowed me to question the confidence that we have in the data collection systems that surround us: fun in exchange for personal data.

Pierre-Xavier Puissant – EURI - LOW RES AWAY


Pierre-Xavier Puissant – EURI - LOW RES AWAY

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

LOW RES AWAY is a modular telepresence system of which EURI is the first module. The goal of this work was to extend one of the reflexions of my Bachelor Thesis: the idea that the instantaneity of the Net “makes geography obsolete”. I decided to work on the sound representation of weather data based on simple idiophonic objects. For this first module, I worked on rain data. An app allows the user to define a point to retrieve weather data from. The EURI then create an abstract sound composition, replicating a distant reality.




with Patrick Keller, Matthew Plummer-Fernandez

Botcaves was a workshop held in November 2014 investigating bots and the relation between their programmed, yet autonomous behaviour (software) and their physicalities (hardware embedded in objects) as well as the potential relation these small situated technologies would maintain with global scale cloud infrastructures. Students designed and developed bots who took part in online activities. In some cases the bots were using electronic sensors as an input, while in other cases they used online data and expressed it using robotics. The final results were presented at the end of the week. The process and the results are documented on the IICloud’s blog: iiclouds.org

Beijing Connection


Beijing Connection

with Alain Bellet, Vincent Jacquier

Beijing Connexion is a web platform hosting projects realized during a one week journey in Beijing with 15 students. Our objectives were to work around the topic of quantified self, data logging and also on a reflection about regular picture and movie that people usually records during their own journey. To realize precisely those projects we had to perform 24 hours per day to get our datas and visual materials. We kindly thank the “Summer University” program of the Canton of Vaud who made this possible and also all the people who welcomed us at Tsinghua University, CAFA University and the Beijing Maker Space. beijing-connection.ecal-mid.ch
