




2006 2024
Workshop Digital Medium Format


Workshop Digital Medium Format

with Anoush Abrar

Beauty shot The week-long Medium format digital workshop is both an introduction to shooting equipment and dedicated software. Students worked in groups to produce portrait images.

I as an Island


I as an Island

with Chris Kabel

Like Robinson Crusoe scavenged the wrecked ship for materials to build his home, First Year Master Product Design students, guided by Chris Kabel, were invited to delve into the flotsam of their creative minds for this open workshop. The workshop began with collecting, organizing, and analyzing creative flotsam and jetsam to create a self-portrait as a designer. Unrealized projects, obsessions and fascinations, irritations, vague dreams, (bad) jokes, and ideas too weird to talk about—all these resided within a designer's mind. Beginnings already existed: inspiring photos on phones, inviting materials, first ideas hastily scribbled down, quick sketches on paper, half-baked assemblages, or flimsy maquettes. These fragments and particles were analyzed to discover the kind of designer each participant was, extracting a direction for development during the week. This process of analysis, ideation, and translation, including the ‘end result,’ became visible as an island, shaped and populated by each individual's design process. It featured fragile beginnings, iterations, and the choices made along the way, culminating in a final conclusion shaped by material samples, shape research, 3D sketches, the development of a mechanism, a campaign, a film scenario, or whatever else was distilled from the initial flotsam.

Workshop Photographic chamber


Workshop Photographic chamber

with Matthieu Gafsou

The workshop week 4x5 is both an introduction to the 4x5 technical camera and a way to kickstart a photographic project. Students experience the process of analog shooting, from development to large format printing. This intense week is highly technical, but also focused on developing a photographic language, allowing for a better understanding of the fundamental workings of photography.

Workshop Photographic chamber


Workshop Photographic chamber

with Matthieu Gafsou

The workshop week 4x5 is both an introduction to the 4x5 technical camera and a way to kickstart a photographic project. Students experience the process of analog shooting, from development to large format printing. This intense week is highly technical, but also focused on developing a photographic language, allowing for a better understanding of the fundamental workings of photography.

Martial Grin – Spectacle·s Museum


Martial Grin – Spectacle·s Museum

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Spectacle·s Museum looks at the photographs of visitors in a museum space. Through a web atlas, this project paints a series of portraits in one of the most photographed museums in the world, the Louvre. Using images published on Instagram, the project classifies and groups them according to their formal and spatial specificities. Through Spectacle·s Museum, I approach the theme of the staging of the self, particularly in the museum space.

Heart break


Heart break

with Gilles Gavillet & Jonathan Hares




with Samy La Crapule

It is around the theme “Avatars” that we spent this week of workshop with Samy La Crapule. The idea was to learn around the software Daz Studio in order to create a virtual CGI avatar. The results presented here are the result of a week’s work for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students. You can find more details about each project on our Instagram @ecal_mid.

Basil Dénéréaz – Reif


Basil Dénéréaz – Reif

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Mention Très bien Through our entertainment media, partnerships and sponsored content are becoming omnipresent. Based on this observation, Reif i s a fictional account of the objectification of a digital influencer. Through different media created with computer generated images, we visualise the change of identity of this character who allocates areas of her body as advertising spaces, generating her metamorphosis from human to object. In order to realise the content for Reif , a process of digital production was set up, adjusting to the standards of avatar creation which affiliates this fiction to the current technical reality.
