




2006 2024
Can They Dance ?


Can They Dance ?

with Cyril Diagne

CAN THEY DANCE? is the result of a week-long workshop centered around the concept of Large Action Models (LAM). By repurposing existing platforms, the students leveraged the reasoning capabilities of these artificial intelligence models (LLM).




with Gaël Hugo

During a one week workshop led by Gaël Hugo, students developed situational conversational agents integrating artificial intelligence. These exchanges generate associated 3D environments to provide visual support.

Tickie Bindner – City


Tickie Bindner – City

by Tickie Bindner

Sazen City immerses us into the collective landscape of our memories. Each participant takes part in the experience by exploring a territory, then sending digital postcards that generate a dynamic and imaginary map. Unlike photos of panoramas or cities, these digital cards depict memories, universal moments and emotions, revealing a new form of epistolary exchange that is more suited to our digital spaces. Inspired by Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities, Sazen City employs machine learning to co-create a collective space. As it evolves, this shared landscape questions the individuality of our memories and the role of artificial imagination in our digital environments.

Alexandra Sensi – Self-Reflection


Alexandra Sensi – Self-Reflection

by Alexandra Sensi

Self-Reflection is a social experiment that takes an ironic look at the impact of image within our society. It highlights the importance of self-perception in social norms. The installation overlays the user’s reflection onto a digital game through a one-way mirror. This immerses each individual in both the game and a confrontation with their own reflection. Throughout our progress, we encounter situations that reveal how our self-perception influences our behaviour and plays a role in our social constructions. This project is driven by personal reasons and a background in psychology and social sciences, furthering an interest in human mechanisms, psychological analysis and the desire to help.

Paul Dorsaz – MR


Paul Dorsaz – MR

by Paul Dorsaz

With GlobalCom, generate your business’s visual identity thanks to the power of AI! The recent emergence of services like ChatGPT or DALL·E prompts us to question the role of AI in design processes. In a reality where an advertising designer inevitably turns to the web for inspiration, the final product often appears similar to others. What would logos and visual identities look like if the initial design was driven by an AI, whose dataset is already saturated with overproduction and mimicry? GlobalCom, a product of this automated process, reveals that these tools are still too naive to operate independently. However, could they be employed as catalysts to stimulate the creativity of designers?

Bogdan Nastase – FULCRUM


Bogdan Nastase – FULCRUM

by Bogdan Nastase

Designed for the field of photojournalism, FULCRUM addresses privacy concerns surrounding the publication of photographs. Whilst many photo-journalists would agree that blurring or censoring faces tampers with important historical documents, protecting sources is ultimately a core journalistic principle. Given today’s ubiquitous data scraping and face recognition algorithms, legislation aimed at mitigating potential abuse remains outpaced by the swift progress of technology. FULCRUM offers a contemporary solution to the ethical debate between photojournalists and the public. By masking subjects’ faces with AI generated ones, FULCRUM ensures non-destructive anonymisation that simultaneously safeguards the identity of the individuals depicted and the photographic quality of the image.

Agathe Bourrée – Informal Pictures


Agathe Bourrée – Informal Pictures

with Gilles Gavillet, Nicole Udry

Each year, the seven most influent countries in the world gather to discuss international matters for a weekend hosted by one of the members. Informal Pictures is an inquiry that aims to recreate the atmosphere of these meetings, which lead to major decisions regarding international politics. It is an attempt to understand the influence of the press on the collective imaginary, with regard to those major political events. The study uses graphic design tools and mainstream journalistic sources to recreate an image that never existed, a missing image of political dinners during the annual G7. Those informal images are recreated based on what the newspapers say and used as input in an artificial intelligence to shape the intention of the picture.

Jamy Herrmann – MEMOGRAM


Jamy Herrmann – MEMOGRAM

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Today, for many, the memories that remain are only those of images taken with digital cameras. Through this continuous storage process, we offload those moments by trusting instantaneous backups. MEMOGRAM challenges this delegation by offering a time capsule in the form of tickets, accompanying our memories with textual clues and descriptions. www.memogram.ch

Elodie Anglade – Digital DNA


Elodie Anglade – Digital DNA

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Digital DNA is a 3D data visualisation platform that displays an analysis of the content that is shown to me on Instagram. The interface compares the duality of my perception with that of the algorithm. It results in a virtual space representing a digital genome that visitors are invited to explore in order to discover the subtleties of the intersection between human and algorithmic perspectives. While studying these “smart” systems, I became aware that their ability to analyse is somewhat biased. Some of the categories I was assigned were unexpected and did not match the visuals presented. In this way, Digital DNA highlights the gap created by this contrast between the categories and the visuals that are displayed. Try it here

Martial Grin – Spectacle·s Museum


Martial Grin – Spectacle·s Museum

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Spectacle·s Museum looks at the photographs of visitors in a museum space. Through a web atlas, this project paints a series of portraits in one of the most photographed museums in the world, the Louvre. Using images published on Instagram, the project classifies and groups them according to their formal and spatial specificities. Through Spectacle·s Museum, I approach the theme of the staging of the self, particularly in the museum space.

Alter Ego


Alter Ego

with Gaël Hugo, Pauline Saglio

Realized in collaboration with Musée de la Main UNIL-CHUV, Lausanne for the exhibition « Intelligence Artificielle. Nos reflets dans la machine ». By revisiting the shape of the mirror, “Alter Ego” questions the notion of digital reflection. It highlights, in a playful way, image analysis by artificial intelligence. Project lead: Pauline Saglio, Gaël Hugo Development and finalization of projects: Sébastien Matos, Paul Lëon

What’s The Prompt?


What’s The Prompt?

with Cyril Diagne

During a week workshop given by Cyril Diagne, second year students explored the integration of machine learning tools in their creative process. By limiting the coding step in favour of using the concept of Prompt they experimented with Diffusion Models such as GPT3, Clip or DALL-E to create texts, images and videos. Comparing the way our brain seems to make our dreams and the way some AI models work, Elina Crespi used some Diffusion Model to represent her dreams.

Fantastic Smartphones


Fantastic Smartphones

with Pauline Saglio, Vincent Jacquier

Fantastic Smartphones – a series of interactive installations developed by students in Bachelor Media & Interaction Design at ECAL, investigating in a critical and offbeat way our relationship with smartphones and the way they influence our daily behavior. See the press room

Ignacio Pérez – Overloaded.supply


Ignacio Pérez – Overloaded.supply

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

In 2020, we reached a tipping point with the mass of man-made artefacts exceeding the biomass on our planet. This is mainly due to an economic system of manufacturing and consumption where the overabundance of objects has become the norm. Overloaded.supply is a semi-autonomous system that exploits the control of creation algorithms in order to question current patterns of design, production and legislation. To do so, the installation allows users, via a physical interface, to control an intangible, invisible and vast universe of objects where they can take possession of them through a fictitious patent document. This document will be stored on a dedicated website that acts as a repository of already protected objects that may or may not be produced. overloaded.supply

Michael Pica – Confessionnal


Michael Pica – Confessionnal

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Confessionnal is a web app that enables users to anonymously confess their behaviour on social networks. With the advent of social media years ago, the behaviour of users varies. Unmentionable acts are sometimes committed on these platforms. This project is inspired by the Catholic confessional as we know it but is based on the digital era we live in. Users live the anonymous experience with a mask as participants or spectators. They confess orally and personalise their mask based on their age, the platform or the main subject of the confession. On the other hand, they can observe other masks and listen to the confessions of other users.

Automated Photography - Autumn 2021


Automated Photography - Autumn 2021

with Marco De Mutiis

2nd year Automated Photography course tutored by Marco De Mutiis.

Self-Initiated Project - Fall 2020 - MAP1


Self-Initiated Project - Fall 2020 - MAP1

with Milo Keller

First-year students worked on self-initiated projects tutored by Milo Keller. Students had the option to propose projects that would explore technologies and themes related to the current master's research project Automated Photography.

Bastien Claessens – Taalee


Bastien Claessens – Taalee

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

At bedtime there is nothing like reading a tale alone with your child to smoothly transition from excitement to calm. Snuggled up against you, your child enjoys this intimate moment and escapes into his/her imagination to the rhythm of the story. With the help of soundscapes, Taalee seeks to reinforce this magical moment. Taking the form of a mobile app, Taalee offers a creative and sharing space accessible to all and thus enables anyone to add to their stories with the use of featured compositions or by creating your own.

Paul Lëon – Caption


Paul Lëon – Caption

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

Nowadays, we continuously capture images in which we place the hope of memory. In fact most of these images are left abandoned in the mass of our galleries and dormant hard drives. Caption exposes forgotten images taken from the gallery of its users. Through a series of questions we are invited to look inwardly at our relationship with these images. By synthesising and exposing all the answers collected, Caption immerses us into ethnographic research that addresses our collective relationship with the images.

Maya Bellier – Strike the Pose


Maya Bellier – Strike the Pose

with Alain Bellet, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo, Laura Nieder, Pauline Saglio

In performing arts, there is often, by convention, some distance, an invisible screen that separates the audience from the actors in the performance. Yet these respective positions have changed over time. Bauhaus artists actually aimed for total theatre, where the entire venue would be the stage. Strike the Pose is a participatory VR experience that begins from the moment we wait. A re-interpretation of Oskar Schlemmer’s “Triadic Ballet”, this complete and inclusive work invites all participants to enter through their acting into a total composition, both physical and digital.

Teaching the Machine


Teaching the Machine

with Gene Kogan

This workshop was a hands-on introduction to machine learning with a focus on creating artistic and interactive applications. Machine learning is a field dedicated to teaching computers how to perform tasks given examples and human oversight and has been used by artists, musicians, and designers to add a dimension of machine intelligence and interaction to their work. The students focused on the core algorithms used for discovering patterns in complex multimedia data, including images, sounds, and text. They learned how to use neural networks to create real-time, cross-modal interactions for use in video, installation, live music performance, and physical computing. They were provided a suite of tools and code for clustering, visualizing, and searching through large collections of multimedia.

Electrical Insight


Electrical Insight

with Sebastian Vargas

Electrical Insight is a computer program that makes borderline judgments about the content of images. Its algorithms were once trained to recognize images coherently and precisely, but it is now asked to make the strangest distinctions. And you are asked to do the same. Initial project made during a one-week workshop with Dries Depoorter. Video produced during a workshop led by Sebastian Vargas.

Point & Shoot


Point & Shoot

with Cyril Diagne, Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard

This project is the result of a collaboration between students in Bachelor Industrial Design and in Bachelor Media & Interaction Design following a workshop led by Map Project Office. “Double action” is part of the exhibition “Ligne de Mire” presented at mudac in Lausanne, from 14 March to 26 August 2018.

Machine Learning


Machine Learning

The workshop was an introduction to machine learning and image classification. Students were ask to bring 50 objects each, that we photographed. Those objects have been analyzed and classified by an algorithm which allowed us to place them on the floor in the most organized possible arrangement. Each student worked on a project using the object collection. A few interesting projects were created, such as a physical search engine by key word highlighting the objects on the floor and a gradient of objects type using tracking and image recognition. quasimondo.com

Martin Hertig – Sensible Data


Martin Hertig – Sensible Data

with Alain Bellet, Cyril Diagne, Christophe Guignard, Gaël Hugo

Sensible Data is an interactive installation consisting of three machines that invite to create a passport from your personal data. Take a picture of yourself and a machine will draw your portrait. Send an email and an algorithm will judge your age, gender and beauty. By pressing a dubious button, you can get a nice confirmation stamp. Thank you for your contribution! This project allowed me to question the confidence that we have in the data collection systems that surround us: fun in exchange for personal data.




with Christophe Marchand

This project is build around a new experimental procedure simply through a printer, a sheet of paper and calculated amount of water, that allows to transform from 2D to 3D by creating small volumes in a few minutes.
