




2006 2024
Service Design - 2024




Service Design - 2024

with Angelo Benedetto, Vincent Jacquier, Pauline Saglio, Calypso Mahieu

During the Service Design course, the 3rd year of the Graphic Design, Photography and Media & Interaction Design bachelors had to create multi-media projects. A collaboration of the Visual Communication department which had as subject the SDGs (*Sustainable Development Goals). The theme was called "For a good cause, make the SDGs a reality" and its objective was to allow students to develop a cause that is close to their hearts. Each project consists of at least two different media, one primary and one secondary. These projects could take any form that the students deemed relevant, be it a website, editions, posters, a video sequence or virtual reality.

Workshop Hélas Studio


Workshop Hélas Studio

with Eilean Friis-Lund, Alice Vodoz

Mise en scène An exercise centered around the poster format with a typographic approach. The goal is to convey the atmosphere of a film through lettering by graphically staging the text.

Colour Typologies


Colour Typologies

by Candice Aepli, Amélie Bertholet, Coraline Beyeler, Delphine Brantschen, Léa Corin, Matteo Cortesi, Mathilde Driebold, Eliot Dubi, Marc Facchinetti, Emilie Müller, Dorian Pangallo, Paul Paturel, Hugo Scholl, Diego Steiner, Cyprien Valenza, Alfredo Venti, Arnaud Wenger, Constance Mauler, Flora Hayoz, Lidia Molina González, Vladislav Tschumi

Workshop Atelier Brenda During this week, the students created posters based on Ken Nordine's music album "Color".

Aude Meyer de Stadelhofen – Pearly skin, Summer hit, Vanished by the wind


Aude Meyer de Stadelhofen – Pearly skin, Summer hit, Vanished by the wind

with Diego Bontognali, Guy Meldem

The beach is a conflicting space. At once romantic and ridiculous, timeless and urgent, a fantasised empty space and a crowded shore, a place of freedom and a border. Pearly Skin, Summer Hit, Vanished by the Wind is a trace, a metaphor for the representations of the beach in the collective imagination today, before its disappearance. The newspaper, divided into three themes – anthropology, climate and migration – juxtaposes dreamlike images, factual news, necessary texts and meaningless advertisings. These different languages emphasise the paradoxical complexity of the place. Using cyanotype, the sheet becomes skin, and the print becomes a tan. The back and forth of the waves marks the pages, strewn with grains of sand and sun cream.

Louis Roh – Les chemins perdus


Louis Roh – Les chemins perdus

with Guy Meldem, Diego Bontognali

Millennia ago, humankind discovered electricity and never stopped exploiting and reinventing it, unconcerned, considering this resource to be infinite. This book, Les Chemins Perdus, opens up new horizons, between dream and fiction, through realistic and poetic notions. What if all the lights went out? It stimulates the imagination and offers readers light, childlike speculation. Interest in illustration, storytelling and printing techniques brings this graphic tale to life. This journey of colours and images appeals to a multi-generational audience, tapping into the potential of children’s books in these tense and confusing times.

ARC - Dynamic Identity


ARC - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional artistic ceramics festival ARC (Artistic Revolution of Ceramics) proposed by Livia Schmid as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto.

HIFF - Dynamic Identity


HIFF - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional indie film festival HIFF (Haze Indie Film Festival)  proposed by Valère Zen-Ruffinen as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto

UFOS - Dynamic Identity


UFOS - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional electronic music festival UFOS (Underground From Outter Space) proposed by Baptiste Godart as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto.

R&R - Dynamic Identity


R&R - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional upcycling festival R&R (Rebuild & Revive) proposed by Emilie Maier as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto.

The Other Olympics


The Other Olympics

with Nicole Udry

During the third special week of the semester, the 1st year Graphic Design bachelors had to create a communication project around the rules of a sport that is not part of the Olympic Games.

Break It Fix It


Break It Fix It

with Daniël Maarleveld

Break it Fix it is the workshop's result conducted under the direction of Daniel Maarleveld. Based on the music Technologic - Daft Punk, each group have reappropriated a phrase to enhance it graphically. The result is a series of posters, a video clip compiling the different typographic systems, and a series of interactive posters based on the same rules.

Samantha Trinkler – Legatum Digitalis


Samantha Trinkler – Legatum Digitalis

by Samantha Trinkler

Our lives have become increasingly digitalised. The expanse of our online activity results in a digital footprint that will live on well after we pass. Despite growing concerns about the data we leave behind, only a small number of people are actively planning their own digital legacy. However, for those who wish to plan ahead, access to information on the process of digital inheritance is scarce, lacking in legal uniformity, and often reduces our entire digital presence to a mere three or four steps. Oftentimes, the law contradicts most platforms’ terms and conditions. This project challenges the lack of sensitivity shown to the people behind these profiles that will be inherited and speculates on future inheritance processes whilst providing a contextual, legal, and statistical overview.

Visual identity


Visual identity

with Atlas Studio

Visual Identity


Visual Identity

with Atlas Studio

Information Design


Information Design

with Angelo Benedetto

For the information design course the students have been asked to design a cartographic poster based on a film in the road movie genre, in a direct or abstract representation.

EVA - Dynamic Identity


EVA - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional art space EVA (Espace Veveysan d'Architecture) proposed by Odran Jobin as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto.

GRAM - Dynamic Identity


GRAM - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional art space GRAM (Galerie Romande d'Art Moderne) proposed by Viktor Gagné as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto.

CNAE - Dynamic Identity


CNAE - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional art space CNAE (Centre Neuchâtelois d'Arts Expérimentaux) proposed by Gary Sandoz as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto.

Guillaume Pavia – Medium is the Party


Guillaume Pavia – Medium is the Party

by Guillaume Pavia

Medium is the Party aims to communicate and defend the importance and benefits of partying while bringing together a worldwide community around these claims.

Inés Barrionuevo – L10n


Inés Barrionuevo – L10n

by Inés Barrionuevo

L10n is an independent web platform and magazine allowing the geolocation of a quality but non-mediatised movement. It supports artists and aims to compensate for social inequalities.




with Marietta Eugster

During this workshop, each student had to design a poster presenting a cryptocurrency. Each student had to visually reinterpret the characteristics of his cryptocurrency while taking into account an imposed grid in constant evolution. The posters printed with the plotter will then be overprinted.

Encyclopedia of Demons


Encyclopedia of Demons

with Atlas Studio

After choosing a demon from Theresa Bane's Encyclopedia of Demons, each student had to visually reinterpret the characteristics of their demon in several ways. A stencil printing technique (cutting a sheet of paper) allowed students to create their visuals on the spot and independently.

Signal Spectacle


Signal Spectacle

with Marion Pinaffo, Raphaël Pluvinage

Graphical motion experiments using only different papers and mechanics. A one week workshop led by Marion Pinaffo and Raphaël Pluvinage. Assisted by Benoît Chastenet De Gery and Sébastien Matos.

Niki Paltenghi – CSX369


Niki Paltenghi – CSX369

with Gilles Gavillet, Jonathan Hares

“CSX369” features research on the potential of variable fonts in the ASCII technique. A technical quality is identified – that of precise quantification between two instances – and used for colour mixing through typography. Letters are tripled in the same position and each one has a primary colour. Their interspersed variations create secondary, tertiary, etc. hues. The system is implemented with an image processing tool. The research is presented with a specimen and some posters. Prix de l’ECAL

Amen Break


Amen Break

with Vincent Devaud

Creation of a poster on a piece of music of one' s choice, using the Amen Break sample. The poster is composed of two layers: a typographic layer and an abstract layer explaining the rhythm. In a second step, the posters of each student were reduced to A5 format and the layers exchanged. The result was silkscreen printed.

ESAP - Dynamic Identity


ESAP - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional art space ESAP (Espace d’Art Prélaz) proposed by Elodie Anglade as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto.

PACC - Dynamic Identity


PACC - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional art space PACC (Experimental Art Museum) proposed by Martial Grin as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto.

CASP - Dynamic Identity


CASP - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional architecture space CASP (Contemporary Architecture Space) proposed by Soraya Camina as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto.

EXAM - Dynamic Identity


EXAM - Dynamic Identity

with Angelo Benedetto

Dynamic identity for the fictional art museum EXAM (Experimental Art Museum) proposed by Jamy Herrmann as part of the Dynamic Display course led by Angelo Benedetto.

Information design


Information design

with Angelo Benedetto

For the information design course the students have been asked to design a cartographic poster based on a film in the road movie genre, in a direct or abstract representation.

An addendum for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


An addendum for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

with Roosje Klap

During this workshop, all students were asked to write an extension article for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which together formed an addendum for this historical text. It has formed a new part of the temple that hold and protect our humanity. To provide contextual background to the work, students had been reading and discussing an article each day, followed by a daily topic. By the end of the week, an extension of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was celebrated in the form of 20 flags and a collaborative video of 20×20 seconds.




with Sacha Léopold (Syndicat)

During this workshop week, the students worked on the curation, mediation and placement of their own exhibition. The students selected a corpus of works from the iconographic and textual collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art, both based in New York. The exhibition space, 1.15m² (refering to the surface area of an F4 poster) is printable, hangable and foldable. It is both a surface but also a base or a volume. The students' results question the means of reproduction and representation of the works in the design of an exhibition.

Workshop with Giliane Cachin


Workshop with Giliane Cachin

with Giliane Cachin

Poster design communicating a fictitious opening of editorial publications.

Workshop Gilles de Brock


Workshop Gilles de Brock

by Pauline Baldinetti, Inés Barrionuevo, Emilie Bouchet, Emma Chapuis, Isabel Garcia Argos, Hugo Hectus, Elena Najdovski, Julie Neuhaus, Thaïs Nguyen Huu, Lynne Nougou, Laetitia Paroz, Guillaume Pavia, Ares Pedroli, Amanda Puna, Julie Ryser, Samuel Schmidt, Timo Tiffert, Laura Trummer, Adeline Vermot

Screenprinting workshop supervised by Gilles de brock, assisted by Sylvain Croci-Torti

Clémentine Rousset – Sometimes I feel like I am taken less seriously


Clémentine Rousset – Sometimes I feel like I am taken less seriously

by Clémentine Rousset

Sometimes I feel like I am taken less seriously is a series of posters whose aim is to shed light on the various issues related to gender inequality encountered by women in the graphic design field. Through testimonials which have become slogans, the project highlights everyday-life facts, often seen as normal, but which contribute to maintaining a situation where being a female graphic designer can become a challenge. The use of the letterpress to produce these posters allowed me to make my views known and to assert myself as a committed graphic designer.

My First Kiss


My First Kiss

with Emmanuel Crivelli

Poster design about "My First Kiss", with Emmanuel Crivelli (Dual Room). All the students wrote down their first kiss story. Following this, all stories were anonymously shared before being redistributed.

Adventures in typography


Adventures in typography

with Tony Brook (SPIN), Claudia Klat (SPIN)

Orbis Pictus Politicus


Orbis Pictus Politicus

with Jonas Vögeli

Bloc Week with Jonas Vögeli (Hubertus Design)

Sensory Augmentation & Brain Plasticity


Sensory Augmentation & Brain Plasticity

with Philip Schuette

This one-week workshop with Philip Schuette allowed first-year Media & Interaction Design students to imagine projects around our five senses. How could certain objects or technologies increase or improve the way we perceive our environment? Five projects came out of this week, all based on a different sense. More informations here

Moving Posters


Moving Posters

with Jürg Lehni

During this one week workshop led by Jürg Lehni, the students have explored and made experiments with the Paper.js framework. More projects here

Communication Machines - Workshop by Niklas Roy


Communication Machines - Workshop by Niklas Roy

with Niklas Roy

During a one week, we investigated the role of devices and protocols in our communication behaviors in order to come up with new communication devices, beyond the smartphone. We started out with some low-tech experiments, where we tried to transmit messages in morse code by pulling on a rope. A subsequent brainstorming session structured our thoughts and knowledge about communication methods, contents, and devices in general. www.niklasroy.com
