Workshop Photographic chamber

Workshop Photographic chamber

The workshop week 4x5 is both an introduction to the 4x5 technical camera and a way to kickstart a photographic project. Students experience the process of analog shooting, from development to large format printing. This intense week is highly technical, but also focused on developing a photographic language, allowing for a better understanding of the fundamental workings of photography.

Studio project (2023) with Matthieu Gafsou

Gaétan Uldry
Janine Agbayani, Salomé Billato, Lee Eggenschwiler, Vittorio Franzolini, Antoine Genoud, Morea Gërxhaliu, Rose Graf, Léa Isoard, Farah Mirzayeva, Auriane Nicollier, Lara Niklas, Colas Ravey, Melanie Rengifo, Aline Savioz, Ashley Schneiter, Fanny Sherifi, Louise Tapponnier, Shiny Vallenas, Léna Voélin, Lucca Vogel, Sandra Teixeira
1st year program
1st semester
Architecture, Documentary, Fiction, Portrait