In the course of the Image Creation course taught by Guy Meldem, third year students choose the subject they wish to work on. They develop their own technique and approach to image-making in preparation for their diploma project and their future professional practice.
Between you and me, there are nineteen appointments, nineteen houses, nineteen objects and thirty-eight hands, the ones that applauded my happiness, the ones that dried my tears, the ones that began to tell me stories, with open palms, intertwined fingers and jerky gestures.
Par Camille Choquard
Oracle des Rêves is the result of a collaboration in which a personal reinterpretation is made accessible to the public. This project rethinks the card, making it light, held delicately in the hand, to ultimately create reference figures, evoking spiritual statues, inviting to immersive places of meditation.
Hibakusha traces the impact of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on the Japanese population and culture through a narrative printed in hand and laser offset.
Par Sacha Décoppet
These rice bags and their design were conceived for rice produced in Vully, Switzerland. Silk-screen printed, the visuals relate to their place of production, and find their codes in the Asian style of rice-producing countries.
Par Jonas Buxcel
In 2016, Stefan Brüggemann published "Showtitles", a work-in-progress on exhibition titles that he makes freely available to use as we see fit. Using the title "Stubborn" in an attempt to exhaust it visually by recontextualizing it differently, "Têtu" becomes protean.
Par Chloé Vandewalle
This series of political posters deals with the Chinese government's ban on Feng shui beliefs. Today, figures of resistance continue to take shape, like the Bel Air skyscraper in Hong Kong, built with a hole in the middle to allow forbidden creatures to move from the sea to the mountains (printing techniques reveal the forbidden).