Le Soleil a dit qu’il reviendrait

Delphine Moënnat – Le Soleil a dit qu’il reviendrait

There are places where the sun promises to return, where its rays glide over faces marked by the trials of life. Le Radeau is one of those places. Le Soleil a dit qu’il reviendrait invites us to enter, to listen to the rustle of whispers, to observe the discreet gestures that tell stories — their stories. This book explores the lives of those who inhabit this place, through intimate conversations; the border between their world and ours is almost imperceptible. We slip in quietly, as if entering a dream, and realize that these people are not strangers. They could be our brothers, our sisters, our children, or our friends. It is a book that speaks to our hearts, inviting us to reach out, to listen, and to understand.

Diploma project (2024)

Delphine Moënnat

