Dramatic portraiture

Dramatic portraiture

Returning to the basics and origins of photography will allow students to focus their energy and ideas meaningfully on their concept and subject.   Louie Banks provided them with three keywords to consider as a way to create photographs with more impact than what is typically expected from today’s editorials and campaigns. The students were free to draw inspiration from one of the following keywords or to try incorporating a bit of each into their project: "Movement," "Costume," "Emotion."

Workshop (2024) with Louie Banks

Gaétan Uldry
Maude Bally, Louise Botti Balaguer, Fredrik Maag, Eliot Pizzera, Inès Riber, Landelin Schaub, Delio Testa, Héloïse Tourrenc, Sandra Teixeira, Nicolas Tripod, Léna Voélin
1st semester
Fiction, Portrait
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Behind the scene/ECAL
Behind the scene/ECAL
Behind the scene/ECAL
Behind the scene/ECAL


Behind the scene/ECAL
Behind the scene/ECAL
Behind the scene/ECAL
Behind the scene/ECAL
